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Error Monitoring for Shopify (Configure)


Guide to configuring the analysis of impactful errors and filtering out the insignificant ones to Shopify Users or Business Processes. Ignore the noise and focus on the issues that are critical to your business! Germain has the ability to help you understand the impact, at scale, of any errors on the end-user or business operations while operating with Shopify. It helps separate critical errors from benign ones and also identifies the new ones.


Error on Shopify detected and analyzed by Germain UX

Enable User Error Monitoring for Shopify

Here is how to configure Germain UX’s monitoring to best detect and analyze errors that affect Shopify users.

  • Configure UX Monitoring Profile
    Germain Workspace > Left Menu > Analytics > UX Monitoring Profiles > Shopify


    UX Monitoring Profile for Shopify - Germain UX

  • Sample Code:

    // extract not found pages = function (fact) {
        if (fact.myClassName === 'OutboundDocumentRequest') {
            // Note: content of the 404/Not Found can be customized per shop so this must be reviewed and updated per customer
            if (fact.responseBody && (~fact.responseBody.indexOf('404 Not Found') || ~fact.responseBody.indexOf('Page Not Found') || ~fact.responseBody.indexOf('page not found') || ~fact.responseBody.indexOf('page you were looking for does not exist'))) {
                fact.success = false;
                fact.http.status = '404';
                fact.http.message = '404 - Not Found';
                // We create also a custom event to show "user error"
                germainApm.api.createEvent('Page Not Found', { userError: true, success: false, http: fact.http });
        } else if (fact.myClassName === 'OutboundFetchRequest' && fact.requestBody && fact.http.path && fact.http.status === '200') {
            try {
                if (~fact.http.path.indexOf('/onsite/components/back-in-stock/subscribe')) {
                    var values = germainApm.utils.parseQueryStringToMap(fact.requestBody);
                    if (values && values['email']) {
                        germainApm.api.createEvent('Not In Stock Signup', {
                            userError: false,
                            success: true,
                            domValue: decodeURIComponent(values['email']),
                            domLabel: values['variant'] || null,
                            displayedName: getShopifyProductName(values['variant']) || document.title || null
                        if(germainApm.rootWindow) {
                            germainApm.rootWindow.submitData({ time:, type: 'assign metadata', fieldPath: '', value: values['email'] });
            catch (e) { }

Automate Identification of “new” errors

To be able to ignore the million of errors that occur every day and know when a new error occur, configure Germain UX’s Categorization feature.

Enable Alert and/or Report

Be alerted immediately when a new error occurs. Receive automatic report to help understand error volume trends.

Visualize & Analyze Shopify Errors

Add a portlet and set it up as following:

  • KPIs (any catching errors such as):

    • “Browser Event”

    • “Outbound Http Request”

    • (or any other KPI you have created in conjunction to monitoring errors).

  • Measures:

    • “Count”, “Count Unique User”, etc

  • Pivots:

    • ”Name” or ”Message”
      (depending on the KPI)

  • Filters:

    • ”User Error” = “true” or “userError” = “true “
      (depending the version of GermainUX you are on)


Add “JavaScript Popup Dialog” KPI for Shopify Error analysis - Germain UX

This is how the portlet would look like:


Shopify Error portlet - Germain UX

  • Exclude Errors
    And once your portlet is created, you can always exclude/include additional errors, as following:


    Filter in or out specific Salesforce errors - Germain UX

Component: Engine, RUM JS

Feature Availability: 2022.1 or later

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.