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Engine Deployment


  1. Ports to communicate with Germain Enterprise must be opened. See Engine not starting? | Ports for more details.

  2. Java must be installed and configured. See Engine not starting? | Java for more details.

  3. Docker Compose v1.29 or later if deploying via Docker


Deployment (Standalone)

Video overviews:

Step-by-step deployment:

  • Create a new directory for the engines

    • Example: D:\Germain\engines or /germain/engines

      • (we'll refer to this as $ENGINE_HOME)

      • Setting this as an environment variable can simplify later steps

  • Extract engine distribution into $ENGINE_HOME

    • (e.g.

  • Copy JDBC jars to $ENGINE_HOME/lib/ for the databases that you are planning to monitor:

    • Examples. These will differ with your database version

      • MySQL: mysql-connector-java-5.1.20.jar

      • Oracle: ojdbc6.jar

  • Update initial configuration in $ENGINE_HOME/config/

    • germain.bootstrap.configService - Set to the URL of your Germain server

    • germain.bootstrap.configUser - Specify the Germain user you are planning to use to connect (by default, admin)

    • germain.bootstrap.configPassword - Specify the corresponding password

    • germain.bootstrap.node - 2 options here:

      • If you leave this value empty, the engine will automatically register a new node configuration on the Germain server (preferred)

      • Specify the hostname of an existing node under germain.apm.monitoringNode

Specify the hostname or leave it empty - Germain UX Node

  • germain.activemq.url - update hostname:port to the location where ActiveMQ service is running (usually same hostname as Germain Server)

Deployment (Docker Container)

Step 1

Download the latest germain docker files as provided by our team.

Extract the contents of the archive to a location where you would like germain installed.

Example - /opt/germain

Step 2

Create docker network for germain.

docker network create germain

Launch Infrastructure services using docker-compose.

cd /opt/germain
docker-compose -f compose/apm-infrastructure.yaml up -d --force-recreate

Prepare config details to be used by germain application. Database connection details, SMTP account details will be added in this step.

cd /opt/germain/config
nano bootstrap.zk

Step 3

Launch Germain services using docker-compose to install Germain services.

cd /opt/germain
docker-compose -f compose/apm-services.yaml up -d --force-recreate

Step 4

Edit engine.env file to point to Germain instance to install Germain engines.

cd /opt/germain/config
nano engine.env

Launch Germain services using docker-compose

cd /opt/germain
docker-compose -f compose/apm-engines.yaml up -d --force-recreate

Run the Germain Engines as a foreground process


  • Download the “Windows Binary”

    • Germain Workspace > Left Menu > Wizards > Engine

      Engine Wizard - Germain UX

      Download link for Germain UX Engine

  • Unzip this archive and take the engines folder inside and place it where you like. You may rename it to fit your naming conventions.

    • This engines folder will be your $ENGINE_HOME. You may optionally add this to your system environment variables.

  • Go to $ENGINE_HOME\bin

  • Edit startEngine.bat and validate/set JVM memory settings.

    • Screenshot of settings in script:

      startEngine.bat - Germain UX

  • Open a Command Window.

  • Navigate to $ENGINE_HOME

  • Run .\bin\startEngine.bat

    • Screenshot of Engine Running:

      • startEngine.bat - Germain UX


  • Navigate to $ENGINE_HOME

  • Use vim ./bin/ and set JVM memory settings

  • As root run ./bin/

    • Screenshot of starting the script:

      • - Germain UX

Run the Germain Engines as a service

Windows Installer

  • Download the “Windows Installer”
    Germain Workspace > Left Menu > Wizards > Engine

    Engine Wizard - Germain UX

    Download Engine - Germain UX

  • Run the Installer.

    • Hit ‘Next’.

      Engine Installer - Germain UX

  • Fill in your Server address. (Optional) If there is a Proxy between your Germain Engine and Germain, fill in your Proxy info.

    • Hit ‘Next’.

      Proxy Info of Engine - Germain UX

  • Enter your preferred install path.

    • Hit ‘Next’

      Install Path of Engine - Germain UX

  • Hit ‘Install’.

    Start Installation of Engine - Germain UX

  • Hit ‘Finish’.

    Complete Installation of Engine - Germain UX

  • Go your germain Instance.

    • Hit 'Germain' -->' State'

    • Hit ‘Nodes’.

    • (Optional) Search for your node by Name

    • Hit the lock in the ‘Sessions’ column

    • Hit ‘Confirm’ to authorize your Node (Engine Manager)

      Authorize Node (Engine Manager)

  • Your Engine Manager should now be able to connect and finish loading for engine (Default First Engine is ‘standalone’, you can rename it, or create more engines for this Node)

    • You will see in State (above)

    • In the 'EngineManager.log': “Started EngineManagerApplication in X seconds”

      2021-12-03 12:49:13,744 INFO  BootstrapConfigService - Bootstrapping config from: C:\Program Files (x86)\Germain Software\GermainAPMEngines - [main]
      2021-12-03 12:49:13,760 INFO  BootstrapConfigService - Classpath: bin/apm-engine-manager.jar - [main]
      2021-12-03 12:49:13,869 INFO  ConfigurationServiceClient - Connecting to: - [main]
      2021-12-03 12:49:13,869 INFO  EngineManagerConfigService - Getting node configuration for hostname: DESKTOP-87C7TD9 - [main]
      2021-12-03 12:49:15,353 INFO  AuthenticationClient - Requesting new session cookie for: DESKTOP-87C7TD9 - [main]
      2021-12-03 12:49:15,713 INFO  AuthenticationClient - Writing sessionID to file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Germain Software\GermainAPMEngines\config\session.txt - [main]
      2021-12-03 12:49:17,150 WARN  AuthenticationClient - === Authorization test [1] failed. Please check the APM State view to authenticate this node. Retrying in 60 seconds === - [main]
      2021-12-03 12:50:17,369 WARN  AuthenticationClient - === Authorization test [2] failed. Please check the APM State view to authenticate this node. Retrying in 60 seconds === - [main]
      2021-12-03 12:51:18,416 WARN  AuthenticationClient - === Authorization test [3] failed. Please check the APM State view to authenticate this node. Retrying in 60 seconds === - [main]
      2021-12-03 12:52:18,666 WARN  AuthenticationClient - === Authorization test [4] failed. Please check the APM State view to authenticate this node. Retrying in 60 seconds === - [main]
      2021-12-03 12:53:18,869 WARN  AuthenticationClient - === Authorization test [5] failed. Please check the APM State view to authenticate this node. Retrying in 60 seconds === - [main]
      2021-12-03 12:54:19,104 INFO  AuthenticationClient - Authorization test [6] successful. - [main]
      2021-12-03 12:54:19,728 INFO  EngineMetricService  - Initializing engine metric service. - [main]
      2021-12-03 12:54:20,010 INFO  AbstractQueueProxyFactory - Mapping queue '_APM_DATA_QUEUE' to '' - [main]
      2021-12-03 12:54:20,010 INFO  AbstractQueueProxyFactory - Mapping queue '_APM_DOCUMENT_AUDIT' to 'apm.documentAudit' - [main]
      2021-12-03 12:54:20,010 INFO  AbstractQueueProxyFactory - Mapping queue '_APM_ACTION_QUEUE' to 'apm.action' - [main]
      2021-12-03 12:54:20,010 INFO  HttpQueueProxyFactory - Initializing HttpQueueProxyFactory. - [main]
      2021-12-03 12:54:20,510 INFO  EngineManagerService - Starting engine manager... - [main]
      2021-12-03 12:54:20,791 INFO  StateStoreServer     - Creating new hsqldb server: {server.database.0="file:database/hsqldb/state", server.dbname.0="APM_STATESTORE"} - [main]
      2021-12-03 12:54:20,806 INFO  StateStoreServer     - Starting hsqldb server instance. - [main]
      2021-12-03 12:54:21,353 INFO  ENGINE               - checkpointClose start - [HSQLDB Server @5e63cad]
      2021-12-03 12:54:21,353 INFO  ENGINE               - checkpointClose synched - [HSQLDB Server @5e63cad]
      2021-12-03 12:54:21,369 INFO  ENGINE               - checkpointClose script done - [HSQLDB Server @5e63cad]
      2021-12-03 12:54:21,400 INFO  ENGINE               - checkpointClose end - [HSQLDB Server @5e63cad]
      2021-12-03 12:54:21,604 INFO  EngineManagerApplication - Started EngineManagerApplication in 311.715 seconds (JVM running for 313.42) - [main]
      2021-12-03 12:54:31,619 INFO  EngineManagerService - Engine Manager heartbeat... - [scheduler-2]

Windows Installer Unattended / Silent Install

The windows installer can have all fields set from the command line using a FIELD=”Value” pattern.


msiexec.exe /QN /I "C:\Users\User\Downloads\GermainAPMEngines.msi" INSTALLFOLDER="C:\germain\engines\" APM_SERVICEURL="" PROX="http" APM_HTTPPROXY=""




(Required): Sets ‘msiexec.exe’ to do a silent install. If all necessary fields are set correctly this will install the engine. If not, it will fail silently.


(Required): For setting which .msi you are installing.


(Optional): You can set the path of where you would like to install the Germain Engine. Default is ‘C:\Program Files (x86)\Germain Software\’.


(Required): The URL of your Germain server.


(Optional): If you have a proxy, you set the type of proxy here. Options are ‘http' and ‘https’, value must be in lower case. Default is ‘none’.


(Optional): If you have a proxy, you set the URL of the proxy here.

The order of the FIELD=”Value” arguments is not important. You can rearrange them as long as they, as a group, are at the end of the command.

Windows Binary

  • Download the “Windows Binary”
    Germain Workspace > Left Menu > Wizards > Engine

    Engine Wizard - Germain UX

  • Download Engine - Germain UX

    Unzip this archive and take the engines folder inside and place it where you like. You may rename it to fit your naming conventions.

    • This engines folder will be your $ENGINE_HOME. You may optionally add this to your system environment variables.

  • Edit $ENGINE_HOME\bin\GermainEngineStandalone.xml and set the JVM memory settings

    • XML contexts:

          <name>Germain Engine Standlone</name>
          <description>This runs a Germain Engine.</description>
          <env name="APM_HOME" value="%BASE%\.."/>
  • Open and Administrator Command Prompt

  • Navigate to the $ENGINE_HOME\bin\WinSW directory

  • Run the appropriate .bat file for your hosts systems .NET version( set-dotnet-2.bat, set-dotnet-4.bat, or set-dotnet-461.bat )

  • Go up one directory cd ..

  • Run the command GermainEngineStandalone.exe install:

    • Screenshot of Service Install:

      GermainEngineStandalone.exe - Germain UX

  • Check the service list to validate that the service was created:

    • Screenshot of service in ‘Windows Services’:

      Check Services - Germain UX

Linux Distributions using System V

To install the Germain engines as a service, create a symlink to the following executable:

  $ sudo ln -s $ENGINE_HOME/apm-engine-spring.jar /etc/init.d/germain-engine

To control the new service, the following commands can be used:

  $ sudo service germain-engine start
  $ sudo service germain-engine stop
  $ sudo service germain-engine restart

Linux Distributions using systemd

To install the Germain engines as a service, adjust the provided service file (germain-engine.service) to match the location of the $ENGINE_HOME directory on your system:




Then, copy the file into your service directory:

  $ cp $ENGINE_HOME/bin/germain-engine.service /etc/systemd/system/

To control the new service, the following commands can be used:

$ sudo service germain-engine start
$ sudo service germain-engine stop
$sudo service germain-engine restart

To automatically start the server on restart, run the following command:

$ systemctl enable germain-engine.service

Component: Engine

Feature Availability: 8.6.0 or later

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