Maintenance - Other Enhancement & Bugs (06/30/21)
Other Enhancements and Bugs we have resolved this month. More details available upon request:
Release | Client | Enhancement/bug | Technology | Function | Germain layer | Description | Status |
6/30/2021 | Aiig | Configuration |
| Website Monitoring | Dashboard |
| Done |
6/30/2021 | Aiig | Configuration |
| Real User Monitoring | Dashboard | user location is empty on | Done |
6/30/2021 | AllanGray | Enhancement |
| Enterprise |
| Done |
6/30/2021 | AllanGray | Bug | Siebel CRM |
| Enterprise |
| Done |
6/30/2021 | American Airlines | Enhancement |
| Dashboard | "compare to" feature reopened | Done |
6/30/2021 | American Airlines | Enhancement | Siebel CRM | Real User Monitoring | Enterprise |
| Done |
6/30/2021 | American Airlines | Enhancement |
| Dashboard | : Add headers to login page to prevent caching it enhancement | Done |
6/30/2021 | American Airlines | Enhancement |
| Enterprise |
| Done |
6/30/2021 | American Airlines | Configuration |
| Enterprise | / - High CPU Usage / instability after upgrade to 8.6.15 client | Done |
6/30/2021 | ANZ Bank | Configuration | Siebel CRM | Real User Monitoring | JS Script |
| Done |
6/30/2021 | eBay | Enhancement |
| Dashboard |
| Done |
6/30/2021 | General Electric | Bug |
| Enterprise |
| Done |
6/30/2021 | General Electric | Bug |
| Enterprise |
| Done |
6/30/2021 | General Electric | Enhancement | RDS |
| Database |
| Done |
6/30/2021 | General Electric | Configuration |
| Dashboard | : GE: Search in 'Component Type' not working for 'Queue Name' field configuration | Done |
6/30/2021 | General Electric | Configuration | Siebel CRM |
| Dashboard | : Missing RCA dashboard for "Siebel Outbound HTTP Request" | Done |
6/30/2021 | General Electric | Configuration |
| Dashboard | : Monitor with no schedule causes React error in Germain State | Done |
6/30/2021 | General Electric | Configuration | Siebel CRM |
| Dashboard | : On "Siebel User Click" rcaScreen "Avg Value" label for "JavaScript Heap" has long string appended Waiting for configuration on customer | Done |
6/30/2021 | General Electric | Configuration |
| Enterprise |
| Done |
6/30/2021 | General Electric | Bug |
| Enterprise |
| Done |
6/30/2021 | General Electric | Configuration |
| Enterprise |
| Done |
6/30/2021 | General Electric | Configuration |
| Real User Monitoring | JS Script |
| Done |
6/30/2021 | Riyad Bank | Enhancement |
| Network Communication | Browser Extension, Engine, | Use GZIP compression for UX session data enhancement | Done |
6/30/2021 | Online Stock Trading Platform | Enhancement |
| Enterprise |
| Done |
6/30/2021 | Online Stock Trading Platform | Configuration |
| Dashboard |
| Done |
6/30/2021 | Online Stock Trading Platform | Enhancement |
| Browser Extension, JS Script | enh - send profile details when sending data from the browser enhancement | Done |
6/30/2021 | Online Stock Trading Platform | Enhancement |
| Real User Monitoring | Enterprise | red data on geomap and session replay and warning | Done |
6/30/2021 | True Telecom | Configuration |
| Dashboard |
| Done |
6/30/2021 | True Telecom | Bug |
| Enterprise |
| Done |
6/30/2021 | Largest US-Based Healthcare | Enhancement |
| Dashboard |
| Done |
6/30/2021 | Largest US-Based Healthcare | Enhancement |
| JS Script |
| Done |
6/30/2021 | Largest US-Based Healthcare | Configuration |
| Dashboard |
| Done |
6/30/2021 | Largest US-Based Healthcare | Configuration |
| Dashboard |
| Done | |
6/30/2021 | Largest US-Based Healthcare | Configuration | Siebel CRM |
| Dashboard |
| Done |
6/30/2021 | Largest US-Based Healthcare | Configuration |
| Real User Monitoring | Enterprise |
| Done |
6/30/2021 | Largest US-Based Healthcare | Enhancement |
| Enterprise | Done | |
6/30/2021 | Largest US-Based Healthcare | Enhancement |
| Automation | Engine |
| Done |
6/30/2021 |
| Bug |
| Security | Enterprise | Should ‘Manager Password’s Encrypted value’ filter be displayed in ‘Authentication’ page? | Done |
6/30/2021 |
| Enhancement |
| Dashboard | Should ‘Monitoring Profiles’ not be removed in Hardware page on deleting respective ‘Profile Binding’ in 'Auto Config' page? question | Done |
6/30/2021 |
| Enhancement |
| Dashboard | Should ‘Username’ field not be displayed in ‘Add User’ window in ‘Users’ page? question | Done |
6/30/2021 |
| Enhancement |
| Should dropdown options be displayed for 'Type' field in 'Edit Config window' in section pages of ‘Hardware’? question | Done |
6/30/2021 |
| Bug |
| ‘Germain State’ page is not loading properly on deselecting any section | Done |
6/30/2021 |
| Bug |
| ‘Germain State’ page is refreshed every time on closing the ‘Edit config window’ even when there are no changes made in the ‘Edit Window’ | Done |
6/30/2021 |
| Bug |
| ‘No Options’ are displayed in ‘Business Process’ field in ‘Funnel’ portlet interface | Done |
6/30/2021 |
| Enhancement |
| ‘Profile Bindings’ added in ‘Auto Config’ page are not displayed in ‘Profile Components’ in 'Engine Edit Window' | Done |
6/30/2021 |
| Bug |
| a prospect reporting ou qa site as unavailable | Done |
6/30/2021 |
| Bug |
| Dashboard | apm state dash fails on | Done |
6/30/2021 |
| Bug |
| Blank screen is displayed on clicking ‘Next’ more than one time in ‘Monitoring’ Section of 'Add Web Agent' window | Done |
6/30/2021 |
| Bug |
| Done |
6/30/2021 |
| Bug |
| Done |
6/30/2021 |
| Bug |
| : print button on RCA page doesn't print whole RCA Screen Page | Done |
6/30/2021 |
| Enhancement |
| Decimal values in export file not matches with the values in portlet wontfix | Done |
6/30/2021 |
| Enhancement |
| default rules to be visible on workspace | Done |
6/30/2021 |
| Bug |
| Deleted configs are displayed until refreshing the 'Germain State' page | Done |
6/30/2021 |
| Bug |
| Business Process Monitoring | Enterprise | Field ‘Expression’ is not displayed as Mandatory in ‘Edit BP Step Metric’ window in ‘Business Processes’ page reopened | Done |
6/30/2021 |
| Bug |
| Field ‘Variables’ is not displayed as mandatory in ‘Add Profile Binding Window’ | Done |
6/30/2021 |
| Bug |
| Field 'Step Type' is not displayed as mandatory field in ‘Edit Scenario Step’ window | Done |
6/30/2021 |
| Bug |
| Field 'Threshold Expression' is not displayed in 'Add SLA' window | Done |
6/30/2021 |
| Bug |
| Dashboard | insights dashboard not loading for last 7 days | Done |
6/30/2021 |
| Bug |
| Issues with ‘OAuth Provider’ in ‘Authentication’ page | Done |
6/30/2021 |
| Enhancement |
| missing url on Browser and Real User Experience Monitoring reopened | Done |
6/30/2021 |
| Enhancement | Php |
| Newly added ‘PHP Web Server’ is not displayed in ‘Agents’ section in ‘Germain State’ page invalid | Done |
6/30/2021 |
| Bug |
| 'None' is displayed in 'Nodes' column for all Engines in 'Engines' section in 'Germain State' page | Done |
6/30/2021 |
| Bug |
| Dashboard | ops dash > host > trend does not come up or super slow | Done |
6/30/2021 |
| Bug |
| portlet preview isnt showing up on .. | Done |
6/30/2021 |
| Bug |
| 'Save configuration' icon is enabled in 'Scenario Target Edit window' even after reverting changes for 'Parameters' field duplicate | Done |
6/30/2021 |
| Bug |
| 'Select All' column is displayed for few non-applicable sections in 'Germain State' page | Done |
6/30/2021 |
| Bug |
| Session details are not displayed properly for ‘Wordpress’ Session | Done |
6/30/2021 |
| Bug | Real User Monitoring |
| SFDC - UX init fails on SFDC Summer '21 | Done | |
6/30/2021 |
| Enhancement |
| Dashboard | Temporary user is able to access all other dashboards in the 'Dashboards Overview’ page wontfix | Done |
6/30/2021 |
| Enhancement |
| Text 'Schedule' is not displayed in Add window in 'SQL' page invalid | Done |
6/30/2021 |
| Enhancement |
| Dashboard | Time Range in Calendar is not displayed properly in 'RCA' page navigated from 'Tabular' portlet in 'Pivot' or 'Dashboard' page help wanted invalid | Done |
6/30/2021 |
| Bug |
| Tooltip is only displayed for first value in 'Gauge Portlet' | Done |
6/30/2021 |
| Bug |
| Business Process Monitoring | Enterprise | unable to add BP for funnel portlet | Done |
6/30/2021 |
| Bug |
| Unable to validate ‘Name’ filter in ‘Drillthrough on Insights’ page applied on navigating from ‘Insights’ page help wanted | Done |
6/30/2021 |
| Bug |
| Unable to validate few filters in ‘Alerts’ page | Done |
6/30/2021 |
| Bug |
| User is able to apply profiles only for last server when multiple servers are specified in ‘Criteria’ in ‘Edit Auto Config window’ | Done |
6/30/2021 |
| Bug |
| User is navigated to ‘User Management’ page on clicking ‘Manage’ button for ‘Role’ wizard | Done |
6/30/2021 |
| Enhancement |
| Dashboard | User with ‘Edit UI Fields/Columns’ is able to access all dashboards regardless of ‘Dashboard Visibility’ wontfix | Done |
6/30/2021 |
| Bug |
| Dashboard |
| Done |
6/30/2021 |
| Bug |
| Dashboard |
| Done |
6/30/2021 |
| Bug |
| Dashboard |
| Done |
6/30/2021 |
| Bug |
| Dashboard |
| Done |
6/30/2021 |
| Enhancement | Elastic |
| Dashboard | elasticsearch support as data store for Germain enhancement | Done |
6/30/2021 |
| Bug |
| Real User Monitoring | Enterprise |
| Done |
6/30/2021 |
| Bug |
| Enterprise |
| Done |
6/30/2021 |
| Bug | Elastic | Real User Monitoring | Enterprise | Elastic - Error during UxMetric update | Done |
6/30/2021 |
| Bug | Elastic |
| Enterprise | Elastic - Session tracking service fails to load state Client | Done |
6/30/2021 |
| Bug |
| Enterprise |
| Done |
6/30/2021 |
| Bug |
| Real User Monitoring | Enterprise |
| Done |
6/30/2021 |
| Enhancement |
| Business Process Monitoring | Enterprise | Support long-lived BPs enhancement | Done |
6/30/2021 |
| Bug |
| Real User Monitoring | Browser Extension, JS Script | UX scripts resubmit DOM_CHANGE data with every request | Done |
6/30/2021 |
| Enhancement |
| Error in cloud mgmt logs | Done |
6/30/2021 |
| Enhancement |
| Missing documentation for GoLang enhancement | Done |
6/30/2021 |
| Enhancement |
| Real User Monitoring | Dashboard | UX Extension - create config screen/form/wizard to configure UX Extension settings enhancement | Done |