Monitoring & Analytics - Salesforce (enh)
General Electric, Largest US-Based Healthcare
Six pre-configured enhancements in Germain to further improve real-time insights while monitoring
1. Enhancement: Additional real-time analysis of SFDC Log
New KPIs being preconfigured in/monitored by Germain (and other KPIs already available)
Custom Log Objects
LogEvent__c (This is new one will be available after 05/13/2022)
Custom Metadata Objects
Custom Setting Objects
Other objects like

Salesforce logging - Germain UX
Salesforce Log Apex - Germain UX
Salesforce system error - Germain UX
2. Enhancement: Click Duration Breakdown
Time breakdown of a User Click, from the browser to the backend application and database of

Salesforce click analysis - Germain UX
3. Enhancement: Alerts when a Salesforce Case (in this example, Cases are Credit Card or Membership Orders) stays in “submitted” status longer than 30 minutes
This client required alerts whenever a Case in Salesforce (related to Credit Card or Membership Orders) remained in a 'submitted' status for over 30 minutes.
Problem: The client previously relied on a VB script to execute the following SOQL query and monitor the status of the Cases, but this approach proved ineffective due to various reasons.
Solution: Germain now runs the following two SOQL queries against the Salesforce database every minute and stores the results in Germain datamart. Subsequently, Germain generates an event whenever it detects a change to the Credit Card or Membership Order status based on the execution of a predefined rule.
This enhancement is not specific to Salesforce, thus the same mechanism and approach can be applied to data stored in other data sources of any other application.
Credit Card Cases in Submitted Status for more than 30 minutes:
ID | Timestamp | Case No# | Status |
sergd561234432gfsd | 2022-08-31 09:54:05 | 234t5w453 | Submitted |
bgdfyhbdserfas5vs6 | 2022-08-31 09:54:06 | 1342214jk6 | Submitted |
SOQL Statement to check on Credit Card staying in Submitted status for more than 30 minutes
SELECT Id, CaseNumber, Siebel_Id__c, Status, Partner__c, System_Category__c, Type__c, Sub_Type__c, Payment_Frequency__c, CreatedDate
from Case
where Status = 'Submitted'
and Type__c = 'Billing/Payment Maintenance'
and Sub_Type__c like 'Credit Card%'
and SR_Number__c = null
and CreatedDate >= 2022-01-06T00:00:00Z
ORDER BY Type__c, Sub_Type__c, CreatedDate DESC
SOQL Statement to check on Membership Orders staying in Submitted status for more than 30 min
SELECT Id, CaseNumber, Siebel_Id__c, Status, Partner__c,, System_Category__c, Type__c, Sub_Type__c, Payment_Frequency__c, CreatedDate
from Case
where Status = 'Submitted'
and Type__c = 'Program Maintenance'
and Sub_Type__c in ('Membership Enrollment','Membership Renewal','Renewal with Update')
and SR_Number__c = null
and CreatedDate >= 2022-01-01T00:00:00Z
ORDER BY Type__c, Sub_Type__c, CreatedDate DESC
4. Enhancement: Aura Error “Sorry to interrupt”
Germain captures (records, enables client replay of the recorded session, provides business impact analysis, etc.) whenever a Salesforce user encounters this error message:

Salesforce “Sorry to Interrupt” - Germain UX
and makes it available on Germain’s RCA screen:

5. Enhancement: Capture External Domain
Now, when a mouse click occurs on a button, link, or image that directs to an external domain, Germain assigns that external domain as the 'target,' allowing for analytics derivation and search functionalities.
Example of a click routing the Salesforce user to an external domain:
6. Enhancement: “Click Name”
This feature generates a 'name' for each click performed by a user on Salesforce. The naming convention is configurable.