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User Session Monitoring & Session Replay


Germain UX records users' interactions in real-time, 24x7, capturing every detail of what users 'see' and 'do' on a web application with pixel-perfect, millisecond-precise accuracy. This includes mouse movements, clicks, keystrokes, and page transitions. Automatic identification and analysis of valuable insights into the user journey, behavior, and frictions provide a comprehensive understanding of the reasons for drop-offs or poor adoption of an application or website. By integrating qualitative and quantitative analysis, Germain enables businesses to optimize their web applications, enhance user satisfaction, and drive improved business outcomes.

  • Qualitative insights are automatically derived from recorded user sessions, encompassing visual observations of user behavior, as well as instances of confusion, frustration, and wasted productivity. Germain UX's Session Replays are fully searchable, allowing manual exploration for additional qualitative insights within any recorded session or at scale. More details below.

  • Quantitative insights that quantify the user experience. More details below.

Some Background about Germain UX' Session Replay

It took our team a few weeks to create a mockup of our Session Replay mechanism. However, it required several years of effort to develop a pixel-perfect, millisecond-precise Session Replay that delivers actionable business impact at scale. This allows organizations to avoid the time-consuming task of replaying sessions throughout the year and focus on the ones that truly matter:

  • 2017: Version 1 of Germain UX's Real User Session Replay Monitoring & Insight

  • 2020: Version 2 of Germain UX's Real User Session Replay Monitoring & Insight

  • 2022: Version 3 of Germain UX's Real User Session Replay Monitoring & Insight

Video overview:

Use Cases

Improve UX, Adoption and Productivity

  • Engage and Motivate Employees (for example, by collecting user feedback in real-time, reviewing it in the context of their recorded sessions, and taking prompt action).

  • Accelerate the Resolution of User Complaints (such as reviewing or replaying what a user did before experiencing an issue, without the need to communicate directly with the user, and providing a swift solution).

  • Improve Operational Efficiency.

  • Accelerate the Identification and Resolution of Technology Issues

  • Identify areas where visitors didn't find what they were looking for.

  • Analyze drop-offs to improve conversion rates.

Accelerate Conversion

  • Reach out to visitors with targeted help and offers that are based on Germain UX’s identified interests.

  • Understand why visitors don't complete orders.

  • Identify missed Sales Opportunities e.g. identify chats that didn't go well, between your sales or service teams and consumers.

  • Reduce the mean-time to make an order (e.g. on an eCommerce) by identifying gaps or inefficiencies in workflows.

User Session Replay Dashboard

As Germain UX records videos of real user sessions navigating the web application, its User Session Replay dashboard allows anyone (part of a team with access authorization) to replay recorded sessions and analyze user interactions and find frictions. User Session Replay Dashboard is what we call a RCA dashboard that Germain UX offers as its 4th data visualization levels.

Millisecond-precise UX Insights on User Session Replay dashboard - Germain UX

UX Insights


Ability to discern when a user is actively browsing a web application or engaged in other activities.

Session Replay with disabled user inactivity

Session Replay with disabled user inactivity - Germain UX

Business Process Insight

A blue icon, like the one shown below, appears on Germain UX’s Session Replay dashboard every time the user performs a "step" of a business process (BP) that is configured to be monitored by Germain UX. Germain UX automatically identifies and highlights when, how long, and how effectively a user is engaged in your critical business operations or workflows. More details on how to configure a business process. can be found here.

Business Process Step on Session Replay

Business Process Step on Session Replay

User Segmentation

Examples of segments that are preconfigured in GermainUX. Important to note this is just an overview of the segments that can be used and they depend on the application that is monitored.

  • Behavioral Segmentation

    • Usage frequency

    • User status (new, existing)

  • Customer Journey Segmentation
    This requires one or many Business Process(es) to be configured in GermainUX.

    • Awareness stage

    • Consideration stage

    • Decision stage

    • Post-purchase stage

  • Demographic Segmentation

    • Role

    • Team

  • Engagement Segmentation

    • Pages visited

    • Active Time spent

    • Social media interactions

    • App usage patterns

  • Geographic Segmentation
    This may require some configuration depending on the application that is being monitored by GermainUX. please contact us.

    • Country

    • Region

    • City

  • Needs-based Segmentation

    • Product/service preferences

    • Problem-solving needs

    • Specific use cases

    • Desired features and functionalities

  • Technology Segmentation

    • Device type (mobile, desktop, tablet)

    • Operating system

    • Browser type

    • Technology adoption (early adopter, early majority, etc.)

  • Transactional Segmentation

    • Purchase history

    • Average order value

    • Payment methods

    • Frequency of purchases

    • Time since last purchase

And here are more details on the preconfigured segmentation KPIs, which campaign they are coming from, etc.

Click, Event and Business Process

The vertical bar provides a list of Clicks, Events, Errors, Workflow (…) performed by a user while browsing the monitored application. Customizable color coding is available to help understand transaction success, slowness, and failures.

Example showing a User worked on a Critical Business Process “Bridgeport*ct to boston” - Germain UX

Errors (Seen by users)

Germain UX has the ability to isolate errors that affect users as 'User Error' from the millions of others that don't. More details on how to tag errors as User Errors.


Errors seen by User on Session Replay - Germain UX

Errors (Not seen by users)

Browser errors are automatically identified and analyzed by GermainUX. These are errors not seen by users but yet produced by an application in a browser or from the backend application layer(s).


Browser errors not seen by users on Session Replay - Germain UX

Feedback (NPS)

Real User Feedback (for NPS) allows your monitored users to provide feedback in real-time. This feedback is available in the context of the recorded session, which you can replay at any time. It's also accessible at scale on other dashboards.

Surveys can be slow, extensive, and often inaccurate. Germain's Real User Feedback Popup offers a more effective way to quickly identify widespread user complaints at scale and understand why a user complained by watching or replaying their session. Germain's Real User Feedback Popup can be enabled or disabled once Germain RUM JS or Ext is deployed. More details about the Real User Feedback popup are provided below.


Browser freezes, what Google calls Javascript LongTask, are automatically detected by Germain UX and it looks like this.

Browser Freeze on Session Replay Dashboard - Germain UX

Video overview:

No Search Results

GermainUX automatically finds Users that failed finding something on an application (Salesforce, Siebel, Shopify, etc).

  • KPI: "No Search Results"

Whenever a user search for something on a application by entering some keywords e.g. “blue pants” and that search results in not finding anything, GermainUX identifies that as a “No search results” and reports at scale or at the user session replay dashboard-level:


No result for a search on Session Replay/Playback Video dashboard - Germain UX

Example of a SFDC user not finding something and identified by GermainUX:

Failed user search in Salesforce cloud detected by Germain UX

Notes / Tickets (Share ideas/comments with your teammates)

Ability to leave a note to one of your teammate or yourself, by Right-click (PC) or Control-click (Mac) on the Replay Bar. Notes can also be added on any other metrics. More details about Notes.

Notes Integration on Session Replay

Notes Integration on Session Replay

Rage Click

Repetitive and consecutive clicks on the same UI element (link, button, input field, etc.) are detected and referred to as 'rage clicks.'

Rage Clicks on Session Replay

Rage Clicks analysis on Session Replay dashboard - Germain UX

Example showing a User clicking 7 times on an image! - Rage Click on Germain UX

User clicked 3 times on the Search button - Rage click on Germain UX

Video overview:

Additional Insights

Other Insights that are provided while replaying a session or at scale, across sessions.

Browser Position

Germain helps understand how users position their browsers on desktops, laptops, or mobile devices.

Browser Window position on Session Replay

Browser Window position on Session Replay - Germain UX


The real user's mouse cursor is automatically replayed and circled in blue.

Real Cursor on Session Replay

Real Cursor on Session Replay

Key Press

Any key pressed by a user is automatically recorded and replayed.

Load Time

The real load time of web pages is recorded and replayed, useful for A/B testing and other use cases. Percentiles are automatically computed, allowing you to effectively identify your biggest load time issues and eliminate corner cases.

Mouse Click

Mouse clicks or user touches are recorded and replayed.


Every tab a user opens for browsing the authorized/monitored application is recorded by Germain UX. Other tabs are not recorded by Germain UX.

Multi-tab support on Session Replay

Multi-tab support on Session Replay - Germain UX

Native Popup

Replication of the behavior and appearance of any popup is often critical to understanding UX.


Germain UX captures every interaction with dropdown lists, menus, and text.

Text Selection highlighted on Session Replay

Text Selection highlighted on Session Replay - Germain UX

Static Resources Versioning

This feature involves versioning static resources like CSS, JavaScript, and images, ensuring that the correct versions of these resources are loaded. This is crucial for maintaining a consistent and functional user experience.

User Input

Real-time recording of any user input (e.g., mouse clicks, keyboard strokes) during testing or analysis provides an authentic playback of user interactions.

KPIs, Measures, Pivots

We offer a range of preconfigured Insights to analyze user experience, including:

  • ~20 KPIs

  • ~140 measures

  • ~50 pivots

Here are more details about preconfigured KPIs, Measures and Pivots. Additionally, you have the flexibility to create your own KPI, or we can assist you in doing so.

Business Impact (at scale)

As no one has the time to watch thousands of videos, Germain automatically identifies crucial insights from user session recordings at scale. These insights highlight significant frictions at the levels of behavior, workflow, and technology across the user community. Instead of spending days watching and replaying numerous sessions, critical insights are conveniently displayed on the Aggregate Dashboard, offering a comprehensive understanding of the most significant UX issues at scale. Additionally, more detailed dashboards, including Pivot, Drill-through, and RCA dashboards, allow for in-depth analysis of each UX issue.

Germain UX - insights for ux.png

Example of a Custom dashboard focused on reporting UX Insights at Scale, in real-time - Germain UX

User Flow

Germain UX allows you to visualize the entire user journey, on an application or spanning across multiple applications and channels, within a single Flow Graph. The provided screenshot serves as a mockup to illustrate the concept. The flow portlet can be driven by Clicks, Process or Workflow milestones.

  • Clicks Analysis on a Flow Graph:

Germain UX - User Behavior.png

Click Analysis on a CRM app on a Flow Portlet- Germain UX

  • Business Process Analysis on a Flow Graph:

Germain UX - User Behavior-shopify.png

Process Analysis of Shopify Visitors on a Flow Portlet - Germain UX

  • Top-down Journey Analysis

    Germain UX - User Journey breakdown.png

    Top-down Journey Analysis & Breakdown - Germain UX

Germain's search mechanism helps find most issues at scale. It searches within a session and across sessions (so you don’t have to open thousands of user sessions to know which sessions experienced an issue).

All meta and business data captured by Germain is 100% searchable, both manually and automatically. The 'blue bar' highlights the results of your search when something is found, helping to narrow down the section of the session that contains your search criteria. You can manually search for specific events, interactions, or attributes within recorded sessions.

Search through all user sessions at once

Germain allows you to search for insights (issues, business data, errors, etc.) at scale and across millions of session replays, so it is possible to quantify the impact of an issue, and you don’t have to watch thousands of sessions to identify the number of users affected by any given problem.

In this screenshot, a Germain user searches, across all sessions that Germain recorded, for all users that viewed or worked on ‘test opportunity 00003'. A similar search can be done for an error message, an order number, an organization name, etc.


Example of a Germain user quickly finding all sessions that viewed “test opportunity 00003” - Germain UX

Search within a user session

Because the search is recursive, one can start a search on the above drillthrough dashboard, then drill down into any of the found sessions and still see the result of the search (i.e., the blue bar), helping to find where in the session the string/error/data is visible.


Example of a Germain user searching for “test opportunity 00003” in a session - Germain UX

Automated Search

As an alternative to these manual searches, you can automate the search at scale via any aggregate dashboard.

Secured (GDPR, PCI)

Germain ensures that the data captured and stored adhere to the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliance, and other applicable data privacy and security regulations. User data is secured and handled with privacy and confidentiality in mind. More details about Germain’s data security, privacy and cookie consent mechanisms.

Component: RUM JS, RUM Ext

Feature Availability: 2022.1 or later


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