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User Experience KPIs, Pivots & Measures


Key Performance Indicator are available out-of-the-box to monitor User Experience of Web or Native/Desktop Application. And you can create your own KPI or we can do it for you.

Video overview:

KPIs for Web User Experience

Preconfigured KPIs to monitor and analyze Real User Experience. And you can create your own KPI, or we can do it for you.


UX Level

Technology Level

Data Model

KPI Description

Browser Visibility




Event of a browser or page being active, inactive, visible, hidden.

Browser Freeze




Event of a browser experiencing a JavaScript Long Task.

What the Chrome Team says about Freezes:
How to optimize Freezes:

Dead Click




Event of a dead click (page content did not change or scroll did not occur after the click).

Error Click




Event of an error click (JavaScript console error did occur after the click).

Mouse Click




Event of a mouse click or user touch.

No Search Results



Event of a search which gave no results.

Rage Click




Count of multiple consecutive clicks on the same element.

User Change




Event of a end-user changing a value (input, select).

User Click




Cumulative transaction duration of all requests and events between 2 consecutive clicks (in seconds). It will contain async and sync transactions.

User Feedback



Feedback provided by a user.

User Key Press




Event of key pressed by a user on a keyboard.

User Session Replay



User Session Video Recording And Replay KPI.

KPIs for Native User Experience

A number of KPIs are preconfigured in Germain and these ones are to help you analyze User Experience of Native/OS/Desktop Application.


Fact Class


Native User Click

A loading interval, but for non-web. i.e. 'Native' to the OS.

Native Mouse Click

Instantaneous user input from a physical mouse button or touch screen, but for non-web. i.e. 'Native' to the OS.


Metrics provide more insights, and are automatically computed by Germain UX to help you understand the performance of the above KPIs.

Add New Measure


# Session For New User

# Session For Returning User

% Session For New User

% Session For Returning User

Average Active Duration

Average Color Threshold

Average Duration

Average Error #

Average Feedback Comment #

Average Inactive Duration

Average Negative Feedback #

Average Page Visited

Average Positive Feedback #


Count Dropoff

Count Not Dropoff

Count Unique Access

Count Unique Application Component

Count Unique Application Name

Count Unique Campaign Content

Count Unique Campaign Medium

Count Unique Campaign Name

Count Unique Campaign Source

Count Unique Campaign Term

Count Unique Client IP

Count Unique Client Location City

Count Unique Client Location Continent

Count Unique Client Location Country

Count Unique Client Location Region

Count Unique Color

Count Unique Correlation Id

Count Unique Dropoff

Count Unique End Time

Count Unique Environment Browser

Count Unique Environment Browser Family

Count Unique Environment Device

Count Unique Environment OS

Count Unique Exit Page Path

Count Unique Exit Page Query

Count Unique Exit Page Title

Count Unique Landing Page Path

Count Unique Landing Page Query

Count Unique Landing Page Title

Count Unique Provenance

Count Unique Ref Subtype

Count Unique Ref Type

Count Unique Ref Url

Count Unique Returning User

Count Unique Session Id

Count Unique Status

Count Unique System Environment

Count Unique System Name

Count Unique System Type

Count Unique Target Environment

Count Unique Target Hostname

Count Unique Target Location City

Count Unique Target Location Continent

Count Unique Target Location Country

Count Unique Target Location Region

Count Unique Target Name

Count Unique Target Type

Count Unique User

Count Unique User Department

Count Unique User Group

Count Unique User Location City

Count Unique User Location Continent

Count Unique User Location Country

Count Unique User Location Region

Count Unique User Role

Count Unique User Type

Max Active Duration

Max Color Threshold

Max Duration

Max Error #

Max Feedback Comment #

Max Inactive Duration

Max Negative Feedback #

Max Page Visited

Max Positive Feedback #

Min Active Duration

Min Color Threshold

Min Duration

Min Error #

Min Feedback Comment #

Min Inactive Duration

Min Negative Feedback #

Min Page Visited

Min Positive Feedback #

Percentage Dropoff

Percentage Not Dropoff

Percentile (50th) Active Duration

Percentile (50th) Duration

Percentile (50th) Error #

Percentile (50th) Feedback Comment #

Percentile (50th) Inactive Duration

Percentile (50th) Negative Feedback #

Percentile (50th) Page Visited

Percentile (50th) Positive Feedback #

Percentile (90th) Active Duration

Percentile (90th) Duration

Percentile (90th) Error #

Percentile (90th) Feedback Comment #

Percentile (90th) Inactive Duration

Percentile (90th) Negative Feedback #

Percentile (90th) Page Visited

Percentile (90th) Positive Feedback #

Percentile (95th) Active Duration

Percentile (95th) Duration

Percentile (95th) Error #

Percentile (95th) Feedback Comment #

Percentile (95th) Inactive Duration

Percentile (95th) Negative Feedback #

Percentile (95th) Page Visited

Percentile (95th) Positive Feedback #

Percentile (99.9th) Active Duration

Percentile (99.9th) Duration

Percentile (99.9th) Error #

Percentile (99.9th) Feedback Comment #

Percentile (99.9th) Inactive Duration

Percentile (99.9th) Negative Feedback #

Percentile (99.9th) Page Visited

Percentile (99.9th) Positive Feedback #

Percentile (99th) Active Duration

Percentile (99th) Duration

Percentile (99th) Error #

Percentile (99th) Feedback Comment #

Percentile (99th) Inactive Duration

Percentile (99th) Negative Feedback #

Percentile (99th) Page Visited

Percentile (99th) Positive Feedback #

Standard Deviation Active Duration

Standard Deviation Duration

Standard Deviation Error #

Standard Deviation Feedback Comment #

Standard Deviation Inactive Duration

Standard Deviation Negative Feedback #

Standard Deviation Page Visited

Standard Deviation Positive Feedback #

Total Active Duration

Total Color Threshold

Total Duration

Total Error #

Total Feedback Comment #

Total Inactive Duration

Total Negative Feedback #

Total Page Visited

Total Positive Feedback #


Pivots provide more insights, and are automatically computed by Germain UX to help you understand the performance of the above KPI. Other KPIs have same/more/less pivots depending on what makes senses (we are not listing them here to make this documentation readable, but they are all available when you are editing a portlet.

Add New Pivot



Application Component

Application Name

Campaign Content

Campaign Medium

Campaign Name

Campaign Source

Campaign Term

Client IP

Client Location City

Client Location Continent

Client Location Country

Client Location Region


Correlation Id


End Time

Environment Browser

Environment Browser Family

Environment Device

Environment OS

Exit Page Path

Exit Page Query

Exit Page Title

Landing Page Path

Landing Page Query

Landing Page Title


Ref Subtype

Ref Type

Ref Url

Returning User

Session Id


System Environment

System Name

System Type

Target Environment

Target Hostname

Target Location City

Target Location Continent

Target Location Country

Target Location Region

Target Name

Target Type


User Department

User Group

User Location City

User Location Continent

User Location Country

User Location Region

User Role

User Type


Filters provide more insights, and are automatically computed by Germain UX.


Dropoff - Germain UX


One of the many KPI filters is the Dropoff filter, which can be used as following:


Filter ‘Dropoff is True’ - Germain UX

Dropoffs can be viewed on all portlets.

For instance, you can view dropoffs on Aggregate portlet to quantify issues at scale:


Or you can view Dropoffs on a flow graph to understand when users or processes fail to complete what they were expected to:


Dropoffs on flow graph - Germain UX

And from there, you can drilldown into Dropoffs and further analyze them a this Drillthrough dashboard:


Dropoffs on drillthrough dashboard - Germain UX

And from the Drillthrough dashboard, if you are a DevOps engineer, you can drilldown into the 4th level of analysis called the RCA dashboard.

Service: Analytics

Feature Availability: 2014.1 or later

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