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Analytics - Dashboard (09/30/21)


A Number of enhancement to help 1) Maintain Germain 2) Create Analytics Dashboard

  1. Funnel Portlet
    Simplified, it now looks like this:

  2. Reorganize the order in which Portlet is configured + allowing change of the order of pivot/measure

  3. Enable pressing ENTER keystroke to validate/close on ANY popup

  4. Any Popup to be movable

  5. Enable selection of a string on Drill-through dashboard

  6. NAME added onto a number of configuration dashboard e.g. Hardware Dashboard

  7. Minimizing/Maximizing of portlet
    is now lighting fast (used to take a few to up to 10sec to minimize a portlet)

  8. Search on RCA dashboard
    Ability to search for any data on any RCA dashboard (functional and technical) e.g. search for a SOAP parameter/value, search for a SQL ID in a sql statement, search for an API into a Code Stack.

  9. Enhancement of the Germain self-monitoring/management components

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