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Telco significantly reduces MTTR of critical UX issues

One of the world's largest telecommunications companies, with approximately 11,000 sales and service representatives, recognized the critical importance of user experience (UX) in the technologies used by their employees. However, achieving optimal UX at such a large scale and in a rapidly evolving business landscape posed significant challenges. With the implementation of Germain, this company now benefits from continuous 24/7 monitoring of UX, uptime, and performance of their mission-critical technologies in near real-time. Several key features of Germain have played a vital role in resolving critical UX issues efficiently for this organization.

The Challenges:

  • Critical UX errors affecting hundreds of users on a daily basis.

  • Existing proactive and predictive monitoring and analytics solutions were unable to detect all UX issues.

  • End-users were not reporting issues, despite being impacted by critical UX errors regularly.

  • Quarterly releases posed challenges in maintaining optimal UX.

  • Significant customization of the technologies added complexity to the UX landscape.

The Solution:

Germain's capabilities, specifically user session recording and analysis, enabled the organization to become aware of UX issues promptly and identify the specific scenarios leading to those issues. Key aspects of Germain's solution include:

UX Issue Identification

Germain records user session videos and performs analysis to identify critical user errors shortly after they occur. Stakeholders receive alerts, ensuring prompt attention to resolving the issues.

Business Impact Analysis

Germain helps the organization understand the business impact of errors by answering critical questions such as the number of affected users, frequency, duration, and potential data loss. Instead of spending days on analysis, Germain provides insights within minutes.

Reproduction Scenario Identification

Reproducing an issue is crucial for effective problem-solving. Germain's capabilities enable the identification of use cases leading to an error, saving valuable time that would otherwise be spent on trial and error.

Root-Cause Analysis

Finding the root cause of a user error can be challenging. Germain delves deep into the symptoms and highlights potential areas that could be the root cause, allowing for focused investigation and resolution.


When the root cause is traced back to an application object, script, or code, GermainCRT, which integrates with Germain, provides tuning recommendations and best practices reminders to developers, facilitating efficient resolution.

The Examples: The provided link directs to specific examples and further information on Germain's capabilities and usage.

Through the implementation of Germain, this telecommunications company has achieved a significant improvement in UX monitoring, issue resolution, and overall user satisfaction. Germain's ability to identify critical UX errors, analyze their impact, pinpoint reproduction scenarios, and perform root-cause analysis has proven invaluable in maintaining optimal UX in their complex technological landscape.

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