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Monitoring & Analytics - User Click RCA (Response Time Breakdown)




User Click, Move, Page response time are broken down and includes the following:

  • Network/Server Side/Database time
  • Scripting time
  • Rendering + Painting time
  • Waiting on User input
  • Other time


Java app 

Transaction executed at Browser, Jvm and Database levels

MarkoJS/NodeJS app

Transaction executed at Browser, Network, MarkoJS, NodeJS, MySql levels

.NET app

Transaction executed at Browser, Network, CLR and Database levels


Transaction executed at Browser, Network, CLR and Database levels

SalesForce app

Transaction executed at Browser, Network, and Backend SFDC application.

Siebel CRM app

Transactions executed at  Browser, Network, Web, Application and Database levels


More details on  Tracing and Correlation 

This is all customizable. contact us if needed.

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