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Deploy Code Profiling for Java

This is to monitor the java code-level performance of a Java application. This requires Germain UX - Code Profiler.


  • JRE 17 supported by Germain Java agent

  • JRE 8 and 11 support by Germain legacy Java agent


There are three steps to installation:

  1. Placing the two agent JAR files in a location accessible to all applications that will be monitored.

  2. Creating a configuration file for each of the applications being monitored.

  3. Starting those applications with an additional -javaagent argument to the JVM.

Files provided by germain

  • apm-agent.jar

  • apm-agent-runtime.jar



Configuration files

The file is a generic template that can be copied and filled in for each application. Suggestion: name each copy agent-[APPLICATION_NAME].properties so they can all reside in the same folder. See the section on configuration for the meaning of each property.

JVM Arguments

Enabling the Agent

To enable the Germain monitoring agent, the following arguments have to included in the startup parameters of the monitored Java application:


Enabling access to internal JDK classes (JDK17 and above)

If you are planning to use the agent’s HTTP request monitoring feature in JDK17 or above, you will need to additionally pass the following argument to your monitored application:

--add-exports java.base/"

IBM JVM only JVM Argument

If you are using IBM’s JVM you will need to add the following to any scripts used to start the existing Java applications to include the file.[PATH_TO_SECURITY_FILE]/


Component: Code Profiler

Feature Availability: 2022.1 or later

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