Bug fixes
Thank you to our clients that have helped us further validate and improve quality of Germain 8.5 release by being the first beta clients. A number of functional and performance fixes have been implemented as a result. These below items aren't always self-explanatory, but that list will give you a sense of the type of bugs that we have fixed in this release. we are happy to provide more details if needed upon request.
copying a string on a portlet on aggregate dashboard issues a drilldown
"failed to execute" on rca portlet
"no child sequence" should be hidden
"SQL Transaction " show anything but SQL
Internal Server Error - Encountered unexpected node
analysis portlet fails on empty pivot value
analysis portlet on drilldown on events broken
Analysis portlet perf issue
analysis portlet shows empty rows
avg on xls portlet show [object object]
can't add Siebel Backend systemic portlet
check that tooltip is fully visible
Color filter not working on drillthrough portlet
detailed execution flow not showing data enhancement
- drilldown on geomap shows wrong data
encoding issue in breadcrumb
expanding tree control on RCA screen never returns (waited a minute)
extrainfo popup on RCA portlet empty
failed to execute on rca portlet
Guide view minor
html content broken on slick grid cell
Internal Server Error - Encountered unexpected node
last 7 days shows older data..
loader overflow outside container
map portlet 'data not found' not available
missing child calls for workflow
missing fields on description portlet/RCA dashboard
missing loading/hourglass cursor when drilldown on geomap
- Parent Transaction lookup constraint is incorrect
pivot on client IP/location not working for ux events when using aggregates
pivot wrong layout in "add new portlet" window
RCA table ordering incorrect on multiple KPIs
RCA Tree portlet unresponsive on nested children
session replay fails
sorting on duration on drillthrough shows "no data found" but then data shows up 30sec later
- systemic portlet visible when other portlet in max state
table broken when extra info content contains html
Tree portlet - RCA click doesnt work on nodes
Tree portlet missing icons for UX data
- sorting on duration on drillthrough shows "no data found" but then data shows up 30sec later
- UX Event (JS) not removing quotations
- BeaconServlet does not start reliably
- Bus Proc engines don't pick up all configuration changes
- BusProcProcesser Engine fails if ActiveMQ is restarted
- BusProcRouter engine gets stuck if ActiveMQ is restarted
- Drillthrough fails for invalid constraint string
- Duplicate rows in dimension tables on mysql
- pivot on client IP/location not working for ux events when using aggregates
- Stability issue due to aggregate update
- portlets width gets disorganized
- generalHealth Portlet Fails with specific settings
- Increase default number of rows returned by drillthrough
- Intermittent failures to load type and system dimension data
- Query required more than 12 iterations
- Need mechanism to check partitions on server startup
- Need to enforce unique constraints in clustered mysql
- Revisit QueueManager configuration - cleanup AMQ and HTTP config mechanisms
- Store alerts as part of datamart fact model
- Instance instability
- Drillthrough - Formatting of long values with "info" icon
- User Agent parsing for UX data enhanced
- UX user click on closing alert window collected