Monitoring & Analytics - User Click RCA (Browser Console)
In addition to the "warning" and "error" browser console messages, that Germain is preconfigured to monitor, Germain is able to monitor other messages typically produced by/available within a Browser Console, such as Trace, Info or/and Debug .
In Germain JS script, set this array to any of these values: ConsoleMonitoring.consoleMethods = [‘info’, ‘debug’, ‘error’, ‘warn’, ‘trace’]
(by default Germain JS script is configured like this: ConsoleMonitoring.consoleMethods = [ ‘error’, ‘warn’])
When investigating a very-hard-to-understand User issue (slowness, error, etc), instead of calling the user and having them to troubleshoot the issue with them, you can just enable that parameter in Germain and let Germain collect that data, review that data in Germain dashboard, etc