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Maintenance - Cloud upgrade


Upgraded Germain cloud to the latest. Any features that were built over the past 1.5 year are now available on the cloud.

This upgrade is automatically available to anybody that signs up to the Cloud after 5/31/19. If you have signed up to the cloud on or before 5/31/19, the version of Germain you are using is unchanged, whether you are on a VIRTUAL(shared) or DEDICATED cloud instance. 

To understand whether you are on a VIRTUAL or DEDICATED cloud instance, you can either contact us (whoever you work with or or check online (log on to > Account Settings > License & Pricing > Environment)


Easier to enable any of the monitoring, analytics or automation features. Easier to manage your account, users, payment details, etc


And as usual, if you want us to upgrade your cloud (or on-premise) instance, please ask us and we will do it (@ no charge, like any other help we provide).

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