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Analytics - "Static Content" time analysis for Clicks

Customer(s) that requested for that

American Airlines

Sky TV



Real-time Static Content (JS, CSS, Images) load time analysis is now available on User Click RCA dashboard, so you know how much time is spent downloading any JS, CSS, Images... from the network, which typically occurs when a user clicks on page, button, etc. This is similar to what we did for User Login, last month.

Supported browsers: : Chrome52+, Firefox57+, Opera39+

Unsupported browsers: IE, Edge.


RCA of a Drilldown and of a click on a View on Siebel CRM (same as for any other web apps e.g. Angular, Html, React,, etc

Note that these screenshots are not showing the server-side portion of the RCA (e.g. Backend Transaction, Code, SQL, etc) that is yet supported.

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