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Reports can be automatically generated to run on a configured schedule providing data in CSV, PDF or HTML formats. They can also be triggered to run as an action, for example a report can be configured to run when an SLA is breached.

Report Types

Reports are generated by performing one or many data queries and using a template to format the data. There are 4 options for querying the data contained in the report, a single report can use a variety of these:

Elasticsearch Report

Queries data from an Elasticsearch datastore. Configured by selecting an Elasticsearch datastore (this can be the Germain UX Datamart) and providing a SQL query.

Scripted Report

In the event that the above options cannot support your use case, you can use Scripted Report for more complex report. For instance, Elastic / NoSQL databases in general do not support JOINs between different indexes, since all data is stored distributed across many nodes.

  • Ability to write JavaScript script that can fetch data from Germain UX Datamart

  • Utility functions that can be used to query related data:

    • Get parent / children

    • Get all ancestors (ex: from SQL query up to User Click)

    • Get all descendants (ex: from User click down to all SQL queries)

    • etc

Simple Query Report

Queries data from the Germain UX Datamart. Configured by selecting preconfigured options from dropdowns.

SQL Report

Queries data from a Relational Database (Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, etc). Configured by selecting a database (this can be the Germain UX Datamart) and providing a SQL query..

Report Editor

The report editor allows you to edit/preview existing queries, add new queries and navigate to the Report template. It has the following layout:


Report Editor - Germain UX

Feature Availability: 2024.2 or later

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