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Analytics - Browser CPU usage @ Page and User Session levels

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This is in the effort of increasing the level of details provided for root-cause analysis of user clicks (on any web apps like siebel open ui, sfdc, angularJS ,etc). We have built a mechanism that measures CPU consumption of a Browser caused by a web application, and that provides detailed RCA metrics  @ the application and html page levels.


Portlet that reports Browser CPU usage, has been added onto the following Germain RCA dashboards:

UX Siebel HTTP Request

UX Siebel Page View

UX Browser Click [14]

UX Page Closed [15]

UX Cumulative Transaction [16]

UX Request Transaction [17]

UX JS Event [19]

UX Response Size [20]

UX Cumulative Response Size [21]

UX WebSocket Message [22]

UX WebSocket Event [23]

UX User Change [24]

UX Keyboard event [25]

UX JS Memory Usage [26]

UX JS Memory Used Heap Size [27]

UX Visibility Event [28]

UX Inactivity [29]

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