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Chat/CTI Monitoring


Germain UX RUM JS monitors end users' interactions with 3rd party chats/CTI plugins available on the monitored web application. The following data will be collected by this generic monitoring:

  • Events

    • Chat Expanded

    • Chat Hidden

    • Chat Minimized

    • Conversation Started

    • Conversation Ended

    • Message Sent (from visitor to agent, from agent to visitor, offline message from visitor when agent is not available)

    • Link Clicked

  • Transactions

    • Conversation Duration

    • Operator Response Time (duration from visitor sent msg to operator reply)

    • Operator Available

    • Operator Not Available


Web Analytics KPIs, Pivots & Measures | Chat/CTI-Monitoring-KPIs


Germain UX integrates with most common CTI and Chat technologies, such as:

Component: RUM JS

Feature Availability: 2023.4 or later

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