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Germain UX - Enterprise - On Cloud

For faster turnaround and no management required on your end, Germain UX is available on our cloud. Here are more details about our cloud.

About Germain UX - Enterprise on our Cloud

AWS, Azure or others

Germain UX - Enterprise is available on AWS worldwide. Other cloud options are available if needed and you can deploy Germain UX - Enterprise on-premise.

Docker Container

Germain UX - Enterprise runs on Docker, often with multiple layers of virtualization. Whether the underlying VM is on AWS, or another cloud.

Dedicated Instance

Germain UX - Enterprise does not depend on a multi-tenant architecture; instead, isolated environments are utilized to guarantee full privacy and security.


Port 443 to be open within your infrastructure to allow communication between the GermainUX Components that are deployed within your infrastructure (Engine, Code Profiler, JS Profiler, RUM Extension and/or RUM JS) and the GermainUX Cloud infrastructure.

Germain UX’s components

Once Germain UX - Enterprise deployed, you have the options to deploy more or less real-time monitoring, analytics and/or automation capabilities. Here are more details about each of the components and how to deploy them.

Free Trial Upon Review

A free trial is available upon request, and it only takes a few minutes to get started. We assist you with the setup and provide an overview of the benefits, ensuring a quick understanding of the platform and its advantages. Please reach out to us here.

Note: We previously allowed customers to self-sign up for our cloud service. While we've retained the infrastructure to swiftly allocate a new instance within minutes, we now require an email exchange and conversation to understand your specific needs before granting access.

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