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Monitoring & Analytics - Application Crash RCA


American Airlines, Allan Gray, General Electric, True Telecom


In my 25 years of experience, I have seen plenty of applications crashing—sometimes hundreds of times a day. Some of these crashes impact a business quite significantly, while some don’t. Either way, many of these crashes aren’t reported because users are too busy and can work around them. In the meantime, user experience degrades and business losses increase.

It takes days—and sometimes even weeks—to analyze the business impact of hundreds of application crashes, making it nearly impossible. An application restart is often the easy ‘solution,’ but that’s not enough.

Severe business impact? Or can it be ignored?
Germain can help save significant RCA time by automatically reporting the number of user and/or business processes that are affected by application crashes. That way, your Ops team can focus on the crashes that are critical to your business.

Recurring or new?
Germain can help save significant analysis time by automatically analyzing and distinguishing crashes that occurred before, crashes that the development team is actively trying to fix, and the crashes that are “new”/have never been seen before. This allows your Devops teams to focus on analyzing the new problems that are critical to the business. This is very handy when dealing with hundreds of crashes per day.


Significantly improve UX and Process performance by finding within minutes (instead of months) critical Application Crashes that affect the business the most, and finding their root-cause, which in turns improve Customer Experience, Retention or Sales.


Categorization (AI-driven)

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