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Categorization (AI-driven)


Germain has the ability to categorize data and facts into groups, allowing for the identification of new problems or issues within a large volume of instances. This capability is particularly useful for detecting previously unseen code exceptions or application crashes, especially when they involve multiple data sources (e.g., binary files, text files, etc.).

System administrators can easily identify crashes or exceptions that have not been encountered before, highlighting potential issues that require immediate attention. This proactive approach ensures that emerging problems are addressed promptly, preventing any negative impact on system performance or user experience.

In summary, Germain’s ability to categorize data into groups enhances error management by helping system administrators analyze error frequency, reduce effort in error review, prioritize issue resolution, and detect new or unique errors. These capabilities streamline the troubleshooting process, leading to faster issue resolution and improved overall system performance.

Video overview: .

AI Model

The BERT uncased AI model is leveraged to help Germain UX accurately categorize application errors.ors.

More details:

Use Cases

Java Exception Categorization

For Java applications, Germain analyzes the "path" of an exception or failure, distinguishing new occurrences from recurring ones. Most other APMs simply report another "NullPointerException" without differentiating between occurrences in methods like "UserService.getCurrent" and "BusinessLogicService.performLogic." This lack of distinction makes it challenging to manage errors, especially when dealing with millions of instances.

Java Exception 1:

Java Exception 1 detected by Germain UX

Java Exception 2:

Java Exception 2 detected by Germain UX

Javascript Error Categorization

For web applications built with any JavaScript framework (Angular, React, etc.), Germain analyzes error types, identifies new occurrences, and assesses their business impact. Most other APMs simply report another “Uncaught TypeError” without distinguishing between errors like “…reading ‘toString’…” and “…reading 'b'…”, making it harder to pinpoint and resolve issues effectively.

Javascript Message/Error 1:

Javascript Error detected by Germain UX

Javascript Message/Error 2:

Javascript Error detected by Germain UX

Siebel CRM Object Manager Crash Categorization

For Siebel CRM, analyzing an Object Manager crash may or may not require examining multiple files, including an enterprise file, an Object Manager file, an FDR file, and/or a core dump file.

Example of a portlet that shows the categorization results of hundreds of Siebel OM crashes:

Siebel object manager crashes analyzed by Germain UX

Siebel Object Manager Crash Trend Reported by Germain UX

Drilldown into Siebel crash analysis - Germain UX

Service: Analytics

Feature Availability: 2022.1 or later

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