Maintenance - Security Threat: ActiveMQ version 5.15.12
One of our clients has detected a vulnerability on Active MQ. Vulnerability details below.
Apache ActiveMQ JMX Remote Code Execution Active
Category: CGI
Vendor Reference: Apache ActiveMQ JMX
Apache ActiveMQ is an open source message broker written in Java together with a full Java Message Service (JMS) client.
A regression has been introduced in the commit preventing JMX re-bind. By passing an empty environment map to RMIConnectorServer, instead of
the map that contains the authentication credentials, it leaves ActiveMQ open to the following attack:
technotes/guides/management/agent.html "A remote client could create a MBean and use it to create new MBeans
from arbitrary URLs, at least if there is no security manager. In other words, a rogue remote client could make your Java application execute arbitrary
Affected Versions: Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.12
QID Detection Logic (Unauthenticated):
This qid checks for a vulnerable version of ActiveMQ from /admin/index.jsp file.
QID Detection Logic (Authenticated):
This qid checks for a vulnerable version of ActiveMQ from running process and querying activemq --version command.
IMPACT: Successful exploitation could allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code on a Java application
SOLUTION: Upgrade to Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.13 or later (ActiveMQ Download) to resolve this.