.Har file (Import/Export)
The HTTP Archive format, or HAR, is a JSON-formatted archive file format for logging of a web browser's interaction with a site. The common extension for these files is .har.
That is your fastest/Easiest way to setup a User Synthetic Scenario from a real user session.
A har file can be exported from the network tab of most browser developer tools and contains details of the HTTP/HTTPS requests that were made by the browser.
Importing a HAR file (from your browser into Germain) makes the process of creating a synthetic scenario much easier and faster. You can simply open developer tools on the browser of your choice (with network activity enabled) and perform the user scenario that you want (on your business application) to synthetically simulate (via Germain). Once finished, export the session to a HAR file from the browser developer tools and import into Germain (as described below) to rerun the scenario synthetically.
Exporting a HAR file from a real user session (monitored by Germain) and importing into Germain to create a synthetic scenario allows you to turn a real user journey into a synthetic scenario in just a few clicks.
Import a HAR file into Germain
A HAR file can be imported into Germain to generate a synthetic HTTP scenario that can be executed. To import a HAR file, go to the HTTP page and click the plus icon above the Http Scenario section:
The ‘HTTP Scenario’ wizard allows to manually create a scenario, to import from a .har file, select the ‘HTTP Scenario (from .har file)’ option. This will open the following wizard:
Populate the values according to where you would like the scenario to execute and click ‘NEXT'.
Fill in the Protocol and Server details. On the next screen click the import icon and select a .har file to be imported.
Once the file is imported information will be displayed below showing how many requests were generated from the .har file.
Complete the wizard (you can optionally add an SLA to this scenario in the next step) to generate a new HTTP scenario.
Export a HAR file from Germain
A HAR file can be exported from Germain by going to an RCA screen and clicking the export button in the issue description section as shown below. This will export all HTTP/HTTPS requests that were recorded in the session to a HAR file.