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General troubleshooting hints for Germain Engine:

  • Check the $ENGINE_HOME\log directory validate that the engines have started correctly. You can also check for the "java" processes activity.

  • Wait for monitored data to appear on the Germain Dashboard (use the "Drill Through" button on the O.S. Metrics portlets: Server Availability, CORE, Mem... or DB Availability; these come in faster)

  • Troubleshoot

    • Review the log files' contents ($ENGINE_HOME/logs)

    • If data doesn't get through but the engine logs don't show problems, check the Tomcat logs ($CATALINA_HOME/logs) and Germain service logs ($SERVICE_HOME/var/logs)

    • If the screen above doesn’t show up, please zip entire folder ($ENGINE_HOME/logs) and send it to us.


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