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Analytics - Monitor & disregard Targeted Clicks

Customer(s) that requested for that

American Airlines



One of our customers asked us to detect the first click that a user makes on a specific web page and they wanted to record the 1st click that a user makes on any of the documents (pdf, xls, etc) that are available on that page and derive analytics from it. 

To complicate things, there is a short / letter menu which lets users navigate to documents starting with a specific letter of the alphabet. If they do so, we are to disregard that click on record only the following click on an actual document / link as before. Example:

  • Navigate to page
  • Click on "W"
  • Click on "Waitlisted Segments"
    This should be recorded as "Click on Waitlisted Segments".

(Available in Germain v8.5 and up)

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