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ElasticSearch SAAS


ElasticSearch “Saas” (Software as a Service) can be used for datastore of GermainUX.


Basic high-level process to setup Elasticsearch “saas” as data store for Germain.

Upload GermainUX Elasticsearch Plugin to Elastic Search Cloud

Please follow these steps to setup Elasticsearch Plugin with Germain UX

  1. Download germainUX Elasticsearch Plugin
    Please contact us to ensure this is the latest:

  2. Log on to the Elasticsearch Service Console.

  3. Manage Elastic Deployment
    Hosted Deployments > Manage

  4. Add Extension
    Features > Extensions > Add extension.

  5. Create Extension
    Set version to 8.9.2 (or latest) > Select Type as “An installable plugin (compiled, no source code)” > Create Extension



After creating your extension, you can enable them for existing Elasticsearch deployments or enable them when creating new deployments.

Enable the extension

  1. Log in to the Elasticsearch Service Console.

  2. Find your deployment on the home page in the Elasticsearch Service card and select 
    Manage to access it directly.


  3. From the Actions dropdown, select Edit deployment.

  4. Select Manage user settings and extensions.


  5. Select the Extensions tab.

  6. Select the Germainapm-ES extension.

  7. Click Back.

  8. Save.
    The Elasticsearch cluster is then updated with new nodes that have the plugin installed.

Reference: Upload Custom plugins and bundles | Elasticsearch Service Documentation



Service: Datastore

Feature Availability: 2024.1

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