Maintenance - Bug fixes in May 2018
(if needed, we can provide details or/and patch for these bugs that got fixed this month)
Fixed Bug - user session replay: forward/backward click-to-click does not properly work
Fixed bug - flow portlet - selecting a view (on view list on left inside) resets the zoom state
Fixed bug - siebel rca dashboard : cant maximize fdr portlet
Fixed bug - user session replay missing
Fixed bug - portlet show 4/1 data whereas filter
Fixed bug - user affected by crash missing
Fixed bug - cannot move portlet up on any RCA dashboard
Fixed bug - xls export feature does not work
Fixed bug - Portlets lost all previous settings after clicking back button
Fixed bug - zoom in/out control is re-positioned on the portlet as we move in/out low-priority
Fixed bug - session replay: meaning of "timeout" question
Fixed bug - flow graph fails
Fixed bug - geomap cannot show ux session
Fixed bug - "Whitelabel Error Page" while downloading SQL text
Fixed bug - Siebel-specific - js script to be fixed to exclude getAlarm