Maintenance - Document Audit (enh)
General Electric, Largest US-Based Healthcare
Here are four use cases illustrating how clients benefit from the Document Audit mechanism in Germain:
Use Case 1: Data Audit Trail
Track changes / auditing any Structured Data (records) in any external system (e.g. via REST, SQL, SOAP, etc)
Use Case 2: Business Data Status
Track how long a record stays in a specific state.
Time to respond to a ticket
Time to resolve a service request
Alerts when a Case (in this example, Cases are Credit Card or Membership Orders) stays in “submitted” status longer than 30 minutes.
Germain runs every minute, these 2 SOQL (below) against the application database. Stores the result into Germain datamart. Then Germain generates an event whenever it detects a change to the Credit Card or Membership Order via the execution of a Rule (below)
SOQL Statement to check on Credit Card staying in Submitted status for more than 30 minutes
SELECT Id, CaseNumber, Id__c, Status, Partner__c, System_Category__c, Type__c, Sub_Type__c, Payment_Frequency__c, CreatedDate
from Case
where Status = 'Submitted'
and Type__c = 'Billing/Payment Maintenance'
and Sub_Type__c like 'Credit Card%'
and SR_Number__c = null
and CreatedDate >= 2022-01-06T00:00:00Z
ORDER BY Type__c, Sub_Type__c, CreatedDate DESCSOQL Statement to check on Membership Orders staying in Submitted status for more than 30 min
SELECT Id, CaseNumber, Siebel_Id__c, Status, Partner__c,, System_Category__c, Type__c, Sub_Type__c, Payment_Frequency__c, CreatedDate
from Case
where Status = 'Submitted'
and Type__c = 'Program Maintenance'
and Sub_Type__c in ('Membership Enrollment','Membership Renewal','Renewal with Update')
and SR_Number__c = null
and CreatedDate >= 2022-01-01T00:00:00Z
ORDER BY Type__c, Sub_Type__c, CreatedDate DESCRule
Use Case 3: User Behavior Analytics
Collect statistics on User behavior
Times a User edits a record
Most prolific editors
Use Case 4: Alert on Content
Alert based on content of document fields;
Look for keywords that trigger alerts / events in a system.
And here are more details about Document Audit feature.