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Data Query API


Germain UX provides a powerful Ta Query API that allows users to fetch data from within the Germain Datamart. This API enables users to query and retrieve specific data based on their requirements, providing access to valuable insights and information stored within Germain UX.

The Germain data-services API offers a range of use cases, allowing users to retrieve data for analysis, reporting, visualization, or integration with other systems. Here are a few examples of the different use cases and the corresponding URLs for querying data:

Example: Fetching a specific dataset

URL: http(s)://{GermainQueryServiceHostname}:{GermainQueryServicePort}/query/query?dataset=my_dataset Result: The API will return the data from the "my_dataset" dataset.

Example: Retrieving aggregated data URL

http(s)://{GermainQueryServiceHostname}:{GermainQueryServicePort}/query/query?aggregation=SUM&field=my_field Result: The API will return the sum of the values in the "my_field" field.

Example: Filtering data based on conditions URL

http(s)://{GermainQueryServiceHostname}:{GermainQueryServicePort}/query/query?filter=field1>10&filter=field2='value' Result: The API will return data where "field1" is greater than 10 and "field2" is equal to 'value'.

These examples provide a glimpse of the possibilities offered by the Ta Query API. By constructing the appropriate URL with the desired query parameters, users can retrieve the data they need from the Germain Datamart.

It's important to note that the URL mentioned in the examples follows a standard format, where the GermainQueryServiceHostname and GermainQueryServicePort need to be replaced with the actual hostname and port of your Germain Query Service deployment.

For further assistance or clarification regarding the query service hostname/port, please reaching out to us: . We will provide you with further guidance and assistance tailored to your needs..


The following request JSON object body must be sent to the http(s)://{GermainQueryServiceHostname}:{GermainQueryServicePort}/query/query URL via a POST method:

   "measures":[MEASUREA, MEASUREB, ...],
   "pivots":[PIVOTA, PIVOTB, ...],
   "orders":[ORDERA, ORDERB, ...],
   "limit": LIMIT_VALUE,
   "timeRange":[START_TIME, END_TIME],
   "timeOffset": TIME_OFFSET
  • factType - available values can be found in our Analysis Model Reference under "Facts" section (e.gGenericMetric, GenericTransaction, SiebelWorkflowTransaction, ProcessMetric , ...)

    • Please check the KPI in-context configuration to find out which factType to use (e.g. for Siebel User Txns KPI you should use SiebelUserTransaction factType)

  • measures - available values can be found in our Analysis Model Reference under "Analysis Model Reference" section (e.g., time.month, category, avg(duration), count(id), ...)

    • Supported aggregation functions: count, sum, avg, min, max, 

  • pivots - available values can be found in our Analysis Model Reference under "Analysis Model Reference" section (e.g., time.month, category, ...)

    • When specifying a pivot, make sure to include it in the list of measures as well.

  • orders - value from measure + order (e.g duration asc, startTime desc, ...)

    • Orders available: asc, desc

  • filter - see Analysis Model Reference under "Defining a Portlet Constraint" section (e.g. (( == 'jsmith') || ( == 'bjones')) && ( == 'Siebel'))

  • limit - limit number of results (integer) 

    • Default value = null (no limits)

  • timeRange - start and end timestamps to constraint time range (e.g. ["2020-05-01T00:00:00+02:00", "2020-07-31T00:00:00+02:00"])

  • timeOffset - timestamps offset (e.g. "+02:00")

Result of your data fetching query should look like this:

    "descriptor": {
        "resultCount": 2,
        "error": null,
        "factType": "UxSession"
        "id": "6f0235e7-f1ac-485b-8396-91f5a8eab9bb",
        "resolution": "60"
    "rowIndex": 0,
    "rowCount": 2,
    "data": [{
        "color": "ORANGE",
        "count(id)": 1042,
        "status": "200"
    }, {
        "color": "GREEN",
        "count(id)": 1741,
        "status": "200"

Supported Queries

Trend Query

Example - Average duration of Siebel User Transactions grouped by hour on 2020-07-28.

Query Request:

   "factType": "SiebelUserTransaction",
   "measures": ["time.year", "time.month", "", "time.hour", "avg(duration)"],
   "pivots": ["time.year", "time.month", "", "time.hour"],
   "orders": ["time.year asc", "time.month asc", " asc", "time.hour asc"],
   "filter": "type == 'Siebel:User'",
   "timeRange": ["2020-07-28T00:00:00+00:00", "2020-07-29T00:00:00+00:00"],
   "timeOffset": "+00:00",
   "limit": null

Data results:

    "descriptor": {
        "resultCount": 20,
        "error": null,
        "id": "1c4ac7ec-cbbc-4106-b330-8ad1561d782f",
        "resolution": "60"
    "rowIndex": 0,
    "rowCount": 20,
    "data": [{
            "avg(duration)": 1.1043123419,
            "time": {
                "month": 7,
                "hour": 0,
                "year": 2018,
                "day": 28
        }, {
            "avg(duration)": 1.4718860759,
            "time": {
                "month": 7,
                "hour": 1,
                "year": 2018,
                "day": 28
        }, {
            "avg(duration)": 1.1045165365,
            "time": {
                "month": 7,
                "hour": 2,
                "year": 2018,
                "day": 28

Aggregate Query

Example - Count of all Siebel Errors on 2020-07-28.

Query Request:

  "factType": "SiebelErrorEvent",
  "measures": ["count(id)"],
  "pivots": [],
  "orders": [],
  "filter": "type == 'Siebel:Error'",
  "timeRange": ["2020-07-28T00:00:00+00:00", "2020-07-29T00:00:00+00:00"],
  "timeOffset": "+00:00",
  "limit": null

Data results:

    "descriptor": {
        "resultCount": 1,
        "error": null,
        "id": "e0472f25-fca9-4d9d-90f2-b7fad520f618",
        "resolution": "60"
    "rowIndex": 0,
    "rowCount": 1,
    "data": [{
        "count(id)": 2347472

Drill-Through Query

Example - List of 500 raw results for CPU Usage KPI on 2020-07-28 (return multiple measures/dimensions)

Query Request:

    "factType": "GenericMetric",
    "measures": ["color", "id", "", "system.hostname", "system.type", "system.environment", "system.location.continent", "system.location.continentCode", "", "system.location.countryCode", "system.location.region", "", "", "database.flavor", "", "application.component", "sessionId", "pid", "tid", "timestamp", "value", "unit", "type", "name"],
    "pivots": [],
    "orders": ["timestamp desc"],
    "filter": "type == 'System:CPU Usage'",
    "timeRange": ["2020-07-28T00:00:00+00:00", "2020-07-29T00:00:00+00:00"],
    "timeOffset": "+00:00",
    "limit": "0,500"

Data results:

    "descriptor": {
        "resultCount": 500,
        "error": null,
        "id": "c58acf4b-b56a-4bd6-a8ef-a6d3077ffb8f",
        "resolution": null
    "rowIndex": 0,
    "rowCount": 100,
    "data": [{
        "color": "GREEN",
        "pid": null,
        "sessionId": null,
        "type": "System:CPU Usage",
        "tid": null,
        "database": {
            "flavor": null,
            "name": null
        "unit": null,
        "system": {
            "hostname": "app01p",
            "environment": "appprd",
            "name": "app01p",
            "location": {
                "continent": null,
                "country": null,
                "city": null,
                "countryCode": null,
                "region": null,
                "continentCode": null
            "type": "Siebel App"
        "application": {
            "component": null,
            "name": "Siebel"
        "name": "app01p",
        "id": "5b5cd110eaae5077f162d9d8",
        "value": 25.000000,
        "timestamp": "2020-07-28T20:24:48"
    }, ....

Data Point Query

Example - Get one particular JS error of id == '5b5cd1ec222b85440c5277bc' (return multiple measures/dimensions)

Query Request:

    "factType": "GenericUxEvent",
    "measures": ["time.year", "time.minute", "system.location.continent", "application.component", "color", "system.environment", "userAgent.browser", "domId", "", "user.department", "type", "", "user.location.continent", "time.hour", "user.location.countryCode", "userAgent.os", "domName", "system.type", "", "details", "id", "time.month", "user.location.region", "timestamp", "", "", "", "system.location.region", "", "ip", "displayedName", "", "sessionId", "userAgent.device", "url", "system.location.countryCode", "user.role", "sequence", "domLabel", "businessObject", "user.location.continentCode", "user.type", "name", "system.location.continentCode", "", "system.hostname", ""],
    "pivots": [],
    "orders": [],
    "filter": "id == '5b5cd1ec222b85440c5277bc'",
    "timeRange": [],
    "limit": null

Data results:

    "descriptor": {
        "resultCount": 1,
        "error": null,
        "id": "3f62e2e3-7f02-4c9c-99b4-8e8f17e6f5ff",
        "resolution": null
    "rowIndex": 0,
    "rowCount": 1,
    "data": [{
        "color": "RED",
        "ip": null,
        "displayedName": null,
        "domId": null,
        "userAgent": {
            "os": "Windows 7",
            "browser": "Chrome 67.0.3396.99",
            "family": "Chrome",
            "device": "Desktop"
        "sessionId": "MO9OlD-SmoBEdM8sZEBnBd1aqa49RHaDHaADejcxQqZKUdLyJZfdRObD5wZKol-eq8IUEHrXfhVNhoBo",
        "type": "HTTP:JS",
        "url": "/oui_enu/start.swe",
        "sequence": null,
        "system": {
            "environment": "appprd",
            "hostname": "localhost",
            "name": "localhost",
            "location": {
                "continent": null,
                "country": null,
                "city": null,
                "countryCode": null,
                "region": null,
                "continentCode": null
            "type": "Siebel Web"
        "domName": "TypeError: Cannot read property",
        "application": {
            "component": null,
            "name": "Siebel"
        "domLabel": null,
        "businessObject": null,
        "name": "Console Error",
        "details": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'InvokeMethod' of null\n    at RemoteRefresh (eval at <anonymous> (https://localhost/oui_enu/23030/scripts/3rdParty/jquery.js?_scb=:603:22), <anonymous>:30:26)\n    at <anonymous>:1:1",
        "time": {
            "hour": 20,
            "month": 7,
            "year": 2018,
            "day": 28,
            "minute": 28
        "id": "5b5cd1ec222b85440c5277bc",
        "user": {
            "role": null,
            "name": "testuser",
            "location": {
                "continent": "North America",
                "country": "United States",
                "city": "San Rafael",
                "countryCode": "US",
                "region": "California",
                "continentCode": "NA"
            "department": null,
            "type": null,
            "group": null
        "timestamp": "2020-07-28T20:28:26"

Feature Availability: 2022.1 or later

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