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Slow First Page or Login to Your Web App


Slow First Page or Login to Your Web App (Siebel, Salesforce or Others)


  1. Ensure Germain is monitoring your web app.
  2. Log in to your web app (e.g., Siebel or others) assuming you can reproduce the slow page/login issue.
  3. After logging in, refrain from clicking on anything.
  4. Log on to the Germain dashboard.
  5. Identify the slow page/login.
  6. Drill down to the RCA dashboard of that page/login.
    • Sort "Duration" in descending order to identify what is taking time.
    • Sort "Timestamp" in ascending order to identify what is taking time, and look for errors, etc.
    • Maximize the portlet to get a better view.
  8. Do the same on SESSION DETAILS (SERVER side).
  9. Using Germain CRT, check for tuning recommendations related to that Page, Script(s), and underlying Objects involved in loading the Page or Login.
  10. Using the browser's developer tools:
    • For Chrome:
      • Open a Chrome Browser.
      • Press CTRL + SHIFT + J.
      • Press F5 to start recording.
      • Log in to Siebel and observe where most of the time is spent during the login using the NETWORK and PERFORMANCE tabs.
    • For IE:
      • Open an IE browser.
      • Press F12.
      • Click UI Responsiveness.
      • Press CTRL + E to start recording.
      • Log in to Siebel and observe where most of the time is spent during the login, checking other tabs as well.

If you still need assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us

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