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Monitoring & Analytics - Siebel 2021 & 2022 - End-2-end RCA


American Airlines, ANZ Bank, eBay, General Electric


Germain provides support for end-to-end root-cause analysis of Siebel Transactions, involving tracing and correlating transactions executed across different layers of the Siebel Application.

For instance, when a user interacts with the Siebel UI, Germain can analyze and correlate various components such as Browser's Javascript/eScript, HTTP request(s), Object Manager Transaction, Workflow, EAI, Database SQL, and other relevant calls.

Note: Germain has consistently offered this capability since our 2014 launch. However, the level of tracing and correlation may vary depending on the version of Siebel or other technologies involved.

More details about Germain UX Insights for Oracle Siebel CRM.

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