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User Click Analysis for Salesforce Cloud (Configure)


Here are details on how to configure Germain UX to analyze User Clicks on Salesforce deep down to the Javascript, Apex, or other Technology Calls.

Please note that this is separate KPI from/in addition to Germain UX's Session Replay.

Assuming deployment is complete else go here: Salesforce Monitoring Deployment.


For configuration details, visit the following link: Salesforce User Monitoring and Replay


KPIs for SFDC Clicks


Germain Workspace > Left Menu > Dashboards > All > Search for "Salesforce User Click" Portlets or KPI


User Click Analysis

Salesforce Data Correlation between UI and Backend

Salesforce Data Correlation between UI and Backend

Component: RUM Extension, RUM JS

Feature Availability: 2022.1 or later

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