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Configure Session Replay Player

Few Session Replay Player settings are configurable and stored per Germain UX user. You can access its settings by clicking edit icon image-20240913-114307.png on the player portlet.

Session Replay Player settings - Germain UX

Session Replay Player settings - Germain UX


By default, Session Replay will automatically play. If you don’t want that behavior, disable Autoplay option and click :save: to apply your changes.

Session Replay Autoplay option - Germain UX

Session Replay Autoplay option - Germain UX

Skip Playback Interval

Session Replay Player Controls allow you to skip backward image-20240913-115602.png or forward image-20240913-115611.png currently watched session. By default, skip value is set to 10 seconds.

Session Replay Skip Playback - Germain UX

Session Replay Skip Playback - Germain UX

To update default skip value, change Skip Playback Interval value (in seconds) and click :save: to apply your changes.

Session Replay Skip Interval Playback option - Germain UX

Session Replay Skip Interval Playback option set to 30 seconds - Germain UX

Pause on Content Selection

By default, Session Replay will automatically stop playing when you highlight any content inside the replayed session. That helps to copy any interesting content from the replay without loosing focus as the replay continues to play. If you don’t want that behavior, disable Pause on Content Selection option and click :save: to apply your changes.

Session Replay Pause on Content Selection - Germain UX

Session Replay Pause on Content Selection - Germain UX

Dev Tools and Events Filters

Session Replay Dev Tools and Events panel will show all relevant data including very technical details (e.g. JavaScript Heap Usage, Browser Report events, …). If you are not interested by some of them, you can filter them out indepedently from Dev Tools and Events panel.

By default we filter out the following events from the Events panel:

  • JavaScript Console events

  • Browser Report events

  • Browser Unhandled Promise Rejection events

  • Memory metrics

  • Battery Status Change events

  • Network Grade Changed events

Click on Dev Tools Filters or Events Filters, edit filters in the Filters modal window, click Apply and click :save: to apply your changes.

Session Replay Dev Tools and Events Filters - Germain UX

Session Replay Dev Tools and Events Filters - Germain UX

Component: RUM JS, RUM Ext

Feature Availability: 2024.4 or later

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