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Session Replay Player


Session Replay Player allows to watch end users' recorded sessions. It is composed by 5 main UI elements:

  • Dev Tools.

  • Events & Overlays.

  • Playback Controls.

  • Playback Timeline.

  • Replay Content.

Session Replay Player - Germain UX

Session Replay Player - Germain UX

Dev Tools

Dev Tools panel contains many advanced and technical details about all the facts, events, BPs and other insights that occured during that session. It contains the following 5 elements:

  • Console

  • Network

  • Business Process

  • Timeline

  • Info


Contains all the console events which occured during session replay in context. The following filtering and export options are available:

  • image-20240916-113202.png free text search filter

  • image-20240916-114041.png console type filter

  • image-20240916-113346.png export all visible results to CSV

Session Replay Dev Tools Console - Germain UX

Session Replay Dev Tools Console - Germain UX

In addition, you can execute the following actions on each request:

  • click on row → that will open quick RCA screen for that particular event

  • click on timestamp → that will move replay to that timestamp


Contains all the HTTP network requests which occured during session replay in context. The following filtering and export options are available:

  • image-20240916-113202.png free text search filter (applies on the Name column)

  • image-20240916-113211.png type filer (applies on the Type column)

  • image-20240916-113346.png export all visible results to CSV

  • image-20240916-113417.png export all visible results to HAR file

Session Replay Dev Tools Network - Germain UX

Session Replay Dev Tools Network - Germain UX

In addition, you can execute the following actions on each request:

  • click on row → that will open quick RCA screen for that particular event

  • click on timestamp → that will move replay to that timestamp

Business Process

Contains all the Business Process steps collected during session replay in context. The following filtering and export options are available:

  • image-20240916-113202.png free text search filter (applies on the Label column)

  • image-20240916-113346.png export all visible results to CSV

Session Replay Dev Tools Business Process - Germain UX

Session Replay Dev Tools Business Process - Germain UX

In addition, you can execute the following actions on each request:

  • click on row → that will open quick RCA screen for that particular event

  • click on timestamp → that will move replay to that timestamp


Contains all the facts collected during this session grouped together into few categories. Click on a group category name to expand it and to see all its facts.

Session Replay Dev Tools Timeline - Germain UX

Session Replay Dev Tools Timeline - Germain UX

In addition, you can click on a fact to see its quick RCA content. The following example shows User Click quick RCA.

Session Replay User Click RCA - Germain UX

Session Replay User Click RCA - Germain UX


Info section contains all the details and metadata about current session replay. It also contains some details about the RUM UX monitoring settings that have been used during data collection.

Session Info in Session Replay Dev Tools - Germain UX

Session Info in Session Replay Dev Tools - Germain UX

The following video shows Dev Tools main features in action.

Session Replay Dev Tools - Germain UX

Events & Overlays

Events & Overlays main goals are:

  • show all collected events, metrics and transactions

  • show overlay maps (clicks, error clicks, dead clicks, rage clicks, mouse movements ans srolls)


Events container shows all the collected facts as they occur during the replay. Each event has:

  • type (represented by an icon)

  • label

  • timestamp

  • details (optionally)

  • duration or value (if applicable)

  • duration progress (if applicable)

Session Replay Click Event - Germain UX

Session Replay Click Event - Germain UX

In addition, you can execute the following actions on each event:

  • click on label/type/details → that will open RCA screen for that particular event

  • click on timestamp → that will move replay backwards to that timestamp

You can decide what do you see in the events container via Player Settings. See Configure Session Replay Player | Dev-Tools-and-Events-Filters for configuration details.


Overlays section allows to add an overlay map on top of the replayed content to understand better where your end users are clicking, moving their mouse or scrolling to. It supports the following map types:

  • Error Clicks

  • Rage Clicks

  • Dead Clicks

  • Clicks

  • Mouse Movement

  • Scroll

By default, overlay data comes from:

  • same application and same page location

  • last 7 days

  • all sessions and all users

Use Settings panel to change data query, the following options are available:

  • Time Range (time period for which we query)

  • Filter Session (always for the same application and same page location)

    • All Sessions

    • User Sessions (coming only from the same user)

    • This Session (just the session in context)

  • Filter Top Clicks (only top N clicks; null or 0 means no limits)

The following video shows Events & Overlays main features in action.

Session Replay Events and Overlays - Germain UX

Playback Controls

Playback Controls main goals are:

  • image-20240916-064123.png play or image-20240916-064155.png pause replay

  • image-20240916-064231.png skip backwards/forward by configurable amount of time (default: 10 seconds)

  • image-20240916-064653.png skip backwards/forward to the next configurable event (default: activity period as selected event)

  • image-20240916-064841.png control speed of the replay (default: original speed of x1)

  • image-20240916-064944.png quickly filter on preconfigured events (these filters impact what do we show in Playback Timeline and Events & Overlays)

Keyboard Shortcuts

The following actions can be also done via keyboard shortcuts:

  • Space: play/pause replay

  • Left key: skip backwards (configured amount of time)

  • Right key: skip forward (configured amount of time)


Right-hand side panel contains the following items:

  • image-20240916-070938.png Session details and metadata

    Session Replay details and metadata - Germain UX

    Session Replay details and metadata - Germain UX

  • image-20240916-070931.png Export user session events to file

  • image-20240916-070946.png Open Session Replay Portlet Settings (See Configure Session Replay Player for details)

The following video shows Playback Controls main features in action.

Session Replay Controls main features - Germain UX

Playback Timeline

Playback Timeline main goals are:

  • show session total duration

  • show replay progress

  • show a summary of all the events (only these currently enabled in Playbak Controls)

  • show user activity and inactivity

  • jump into a particular timestamp or event

  • zoom into particular time range (details below)

  • show replay buffer progress (grey bar)

Zoom In

Timeline supports a image-20240913-134333.pngZoom In mechanism which allows to select a time range of interest excluding everything that occured before and after selected range. Replay Content, Dev Tools and Events & Overlays will be filtered accordingly to selected time range. image-20240913-133840.png Reset Zoom button will appear to remove this feature and go back to the entire replay.

The following video shows how to use this feature.

Session Replay Timeline Zoom In - Germain UX

Replay Content

It shows recorded content with pixel perfect precision.

Context Menu

Additional set of actions is available under Context Menu which can be opened by right click on the replay content. It has the following options:

  • Copy (copy currently highlighted content from the replayed content to the clipboard)

  • Add text to Phrases-of-Interest (add currently highlighted content to the “Phrases-of-Interest” feature)

  • Add Watch on this Phrase-of-Interest (add a new watch for currently highlighted content based on the “Phrases-of-Interest” feature)

  • Add Note (add a new note linked to this replay and this particular location inside the replayed content)

  • Switch to native menu (remove Context Menu and show browser’s native menu)

Session Replay Context Menu - Germain UX

Session Replay Context Menu - Germain UX

Zoom In, Multi-tab and Multi-Window

By default, replayed content is optimized for the device and browser of the Germain UX end user. All the multi-tabs and multi-windows are replayed to represent the exact end user behavior of the monitored application. However, if needed, you can focus a currently hidden tab or zoom in a tab content by clicking on the replayed tab header.

The following video shows support of zoom, multi-tab and multi-window replay.

Session Replay Zoom, Multi-tab and Multi-Window - Germain UX

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