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Monitoring & Analytics - User Replay (Enhancements in July)


American Airlines, Anz Bank, General Electric,


Many enhancements of the User Session Replay feature, to name the main ones:

  • Validation of Replays of User Session on Mobile devices & Tablet (ios, android) for these versions:

Chrome 8*, WebView 8*

Edge 18*, 45*

Firefox 52, 57, 60, 67, 68, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78

Internet Explorer 11*

MiuiBrowser 11*, 12*

Opera 59, 66, 68*

QwantMobile 3*

safari 10*, 11*, 13*

SamsunBrowser 11.*, 12*

this is in addition to the other versions we already support, contact us if you need the list.

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