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Germain UX Services


To deploy Germain Services that handle real-time Alert, Insights, and Automation components, follow the steps below:


  1. Extract the contents of the Germain Service distribution to a folder of your choice (e.g., /opt/germainapm), and set the APM_HOME environment variable to that location.

  2. To install a service, navigate to SERVICES_HOME/bin/WinSW and run the .bat file that corresponds to the version of .NET installed on your server. If you're unsure about the version, you can check the instructions here: link to Microsoft documentation.
    Choose the highest applicable version for your server:
    - set-dotnet-2.bat for versions below 4
    - set-dotnet-4.bat for versions 4 to 4.6
    - set-dotnet-461.bat for versions 4.61 or greater

  3. Navigate to the SERVICES_HOME/bin folder and run the following command with administrative privileges:

    phpCopy code<service name>.exe install

    Note: Replace <service name> with the appropriate service name.

  4. You can adjust the Java runtime properties (e.g., memory) for the services by editing the corresponding *Services.xml files in the bin directory.


All of the Germain services are available in the Germain Service distribution file and can be configured via YAML files in the SERVICES_HOME/config folder:

  • Action: action-services.yml

  • Aggregation: aggregator-services.yml

  • Analytics: analytics-services.yml

  • Session Tracking: session-services.yml

  • Storage: storage-services.yml

  • Realtime Metrics: rtm-services.yml

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