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RUM data not available?


Entire User Monitoring data (User Clicks, JavaScripts Console errors, HTTP Outbound requests, Session Replays, …) is missing.


UX Monitoring is not installed

Please check How to validate Germain UX RUM JS deployment ?

Disabled Configuration

UX General Settings

  1. Go to Germain Workspace > Left Menu > System > UX/Session Replay Settings

  2. Make sure:

    1. Browser and Real User Experience Monitoring Data is checked to enable entire UX Monitoring

    2. Session Replay Data is checked to enable Session Replay Monitoring

UX Profile Settings

  1. Go to Germain Workspace > Left Menu > Analytics > UX Monitoring Profiles

  2. Make sure your profile is enabled

Monitoring Agent Settings

  1. Go to Germain Workspace > Left Menu > Germain > State

  2. Click JS Scripts tab

  3. Make sure monitoring agent linked to your application is enabled

Init Script Customization Issue

  1. Go to Germain Workspace > Left Menu > Analytics > UX Monitoring Profiles.

  2. Select a profile

  3. Make sure that Init Script doesn’t contain any JavaScript errors. Below an example with one JavaScript error.

Services Not Running

  1. Go to Germain Workspace > Left Menu > Germain > State

  2. Make sure Ingestion Service and Storage Service are up and running

Component: RUM JS

Feature Availability: 2022.1 or later

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.