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Campaign Monitoring


Germain measures marketing campaign performance by monitoring your web application. It provides automated insights related to your marketing campaigns, such as campaign name, traffic sources, returning versus new users, and more. These insights are stored and made available in the Campaign Dimension, allowing you to analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns.

By monitoring your web application, Germain captures data related to user interactions and behaviors driven by your marketing campaigns. It helps you understand the impact of different campaigns on user engagement, conversions, and other key performance indicators.

The Campaign Dimension in Germain provides a consolidated view of campaign-related metrics and insights. You can track the performance of specific campaigns, compare different traffic sources, and identify trends or patterns that can guide your marketing strategies.

Some of the key metrics and insights that Germain can provide in the Campaign Dimension include:

Attribution Analysis

Evaluate the contribution of each marketing campaign in generating conversions or other desired outcomes. Germain can help you attribute conversions to specific campaigns or touchpoints along the user journey.

Identify and differentiate the performance of individual campaigns based on their names or identifiers. Germain UX relies on search engine and others 3rd party solutions to retrieve those insights. Below is an example where GermainUX extract and analyses (in real-time) the Google Analytics UTM parameters from your URLs.

Conversion Tracking

Monitor the conversion rates and track the success of your marketing campaigns in driving desired actions or conversions on your web application. This can include form submissions, purchases, sign-ups, or any other predefined conversion goals.

The “how” Conversion Tracking is done by Germain UX varies and depends on the site (e.g. Salesforce, Shopify, etc). Check in the monitoring section for site-specific details or contact us.


Conversion % - Germain UX

Engagement Metrics

Analyze user engagement metrics such as page views (…) or specific interactions tied to your marketing campaigns. This helps assess the level of user engagement and the quality of traffic generated by each campaign.

Engagement Metrics:

  • Active, Inactive and Total Duration (i.e. user is on your site, doing something or not)

  • Bounce rates

  • Page views

  • etc.


Returning vs. New Users

Gain insights into the ratio of returning users versus new users driven by your campaigns. This helps measure the effectiveness of your campaigns in attracting new users and retaining existing ones.


Returning User


Enable Germain UX’s Feedback popup or configure Germain UX to monitor your 3rd party feedback popup so Germain UX monitors your user’s opinion and reaction in real-time and replay that feedback to understand what it is they complain about, and automate actions or manual follow up with these users! More details about Germain UX’s Feedback Popup.


Traffic Sources

Understand the sources from where users are coming to your web application as a result of your marketing efforts. This can include search engines, social media platforms, email campaigns, or other referral sources.

  • Campaign Conversion Info:


    Campaign conversion - Germain UX

  • Landing Page Info


    Landing details - Germain UX

  • Referrer Info


    Referrer details - Germain UX

    • Referrer URL:
      Referrer URL is the website or application where the user was on right before entering your website or application (monitored by Germain UX). That helps understand where users are coming from.

    • Referrer URL Type:
      Referrer URL Type (“Ref Type”) categorizes the Referrer URL into categories or types, such as:

      • Direct: user directly “typed” or “entered” your website/application’s url into his/her browser.

      • Internal: user navigates to from another page within the same monitored website/application.

      • Search: user searched on a search engine (e.g. google, yahoo, naver, etc) and found a link to your website/application that he/she clicked on.

      • Social: user saw an add or link to your website/application that he/she clicked on.

      • Unknown

    • Referrer URL Sub-Type
      A referrer URL sub-type is a URL that contains a keyword query string parameter and a valid search engine as its referring domain.

More details about Google UTM and insights:

User Behavior for a given Campaign

Dig into your visitors to understand what drives their interest or dropoff for a given campaign, by watching/replaying Germain’s recorded videos of all user sessions.


More details on the preconfigured KPIs for Campaign performance. And keep in mind, we can create other KPIs very quickly and effectively.

Case Study

Example of a Case Study on Marketing Automation for an Offshore Manufacturing company.


Need help? please contact us.

Component: RUM JS

Feature Availability: 8.6.0 or later

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