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Maintenance - minor enh & bugs (january)


Bugs and optimizations implemented this month (more details available upon request):

eBayenhmarkojsenterprise (engine, agent, js, mobile)collect page view navigations for MarkoJS DONE
American Airlinesbugn/adashboardConfig console very slow for stage environment → Solution: environment was missing default index on QUALIFIED_NAME.DONE
Volvobuganyenterprise (engine, agent, js, mobile)Connection leak - GS-192 / GS-193DONE
Volvobuganyenterprise (engine, agent, js, mobile)Connection leak and env unresponsiveDONE
eBaybug n/adashboardConsole errors encoding issues DONE
United Healthcarebuganyenterprise (engine, agent, js, mobile)Correlation - stream not matching all requestsDONE
Volvobugn/adashboardData missing when last 30daysDONE
GenericenhanydbDatamart creation SQL to include SYSTEM_LOCATION_xxx columnsDONE
Genericbugn/adashboardDetail Execution Flow shows extraneous "[Query Error]"DONE
American Airlinesbuganyenterprise (engine, agent, js, mobile)Document service connection leak DONE
Genericbuganyenterprise (engine, agent, js, mobile)Dom Change Monitoring impacts IE performance DONE
Genericbugn/adashboardDrillthrough column should pull unit from KPIDONE
Genericbugnodejsenterprise (engine, agent, js, mobile)

duplicated distribution bug

Volvobuganyenterprise (engine, agent, js, mobile)Email alert does not work DONE
eBaybug anyenterprise (engine, agent, js, mobile)Exclude field values from UX Replay DONE
Sky TVbugn/adashboardGeo map on user session does not work DONE
GenericbugIE11enterprise (engine, agent, js, mobile)Latest UX monitoring scripts fail on IE11 DONE
General Electricbuganyenterprise (engine, agent, js, mobile)No Replay today...yet there are users.. DONE
Volvobugwindows 7/10enterprise (engine, agent, js, mobile)OS monitoring - network bandwidth doesnt work for Windows 7/10DONE
Genericbugnodejsenterprise (engine, agent, js, mobile)

outgoing monitoring "url" argument must be of type string exception bug

Genericenhanyenterprise (engine, agent, js, mobile)Purge - Need to periodically purge Spring batch tables DONE
Genericbugn/adashboardRCA dashboard for Java Heap Usage does not handle null 'details' gracefullyDONE
Genericbuganyenterprise (engine, agent, js, mobile)Replay -  mouse cursor shows as hourglass way before the user clicks on Opportunity DONE
General Electricenhanyenterprise (engine, agent, js, mobile)Replay - monitor/replay all three popup dialog types: alert, confirm (w/ cancel button), prompt (w/ input field).DONE
Genericenhanyenterprise (engine, agent, js, mobile)Replay - add configuration what to exclude from a session recordingDONE
Genericenhanyenterprise (engine, agent, js, mobile)Replay - dom change compression DONE
Genericbuganyenterprise (engine, agent, js, mobile)Replay - DOM_INIT_BODY occurs after UX Facts for that pageDONE
General Electricbuganyenterprise (engine, agent, js, mobile)Replay - exception breaking ReplayDONE
eBayenhanyenterprise (engine, agent, js, mobile)Replay - extract user and session DONE
Genericbuganyenterprise (engine, agent, js, mobile)Replay - fonts not extracted on first DOM body keyframe as stylesheets have just started loading asynchronouslyDONE
Genericbuganyenterprise (engine, agent, js, mobile)Replay - full integration with anonymization / hide field valueDONE
eBaybug anyenterprise (engine, agent, js, mobile)Replay - icons not collectedDONE
Genericbuganyenterprise (engine, agent, js, mobile)Replay - many beaconstatic requests failing on AA stage ReplaysDONE
Genericenhanyenterprise (engine, agent, js, mobile)Replay - multiple containers height dont match and Replay is brokenDONE
Genericenhanyenterprise (engine, agent, js, mobile)Replay - Open select lists on value change during Replay design  DONE
General Electricbuganyenterprise (engine, agent, js, mobile)Replay - pick applet still showing although not being used/should not be visible DONE
Genericenhanyenterprise (engine, agent, js, mobile)Replay - remove the gradual typing effect when use isnt typing!  DONE
Genericbuganyenterprise (engine, agent, js, mobile)Replay - Replay 'window' background color is always whiteDONE
Genericenhanyenterprise (engine, agent, js, mobile)Replay - selected value on picklist not ReplayedDONE
General Electricbuganyenterprise (engine, agent, js, mobile)Replay - selection of asset system id is showed BEFORE the user selects the asset system id DONE
Genericbuganyenterprise (engine, agent, js, mobile)Replay - Styling discrepancy DONE
Genericbuganyenterprise (engine, agent, js, mobile)Replay - Table values disappear when editedDONE
eBaybug anyenterprise (engine, agent, js, mobile)Replay - transaction dont show up after seeking forward and backward DONE
Genericbuganyenterprise (engine, agent, js, mobile)Replay - transaction list missing some user clicks DONE
eBaybug anyenterprise (engine, agent, js, mobile)Replay - transaction list not showing any transaction DONE
Genericbuganyenterprise (engine, agent, js, mobile)Replay - zip code shows up but i dont see the user typing it DONE
Genericbuganyenterprise (engine, agent, js, mobile)Replay - Transaction dont show up on Transaction List after seeking forward and backward - FIXEDDONE
GenericbugSiebelenterprise (engine, agent, js, mobile)Replay -"Pick Personal Address" shows up but i dont see what the user clicked on DONE
Volvobuganyenterprise (engine, agent, js, mobile)Replay does not work (2min into it, still seeing login page, fast forward does not change anything)DONE
Volvobuganyenterprise (engine, agent, js, mobile)Replay failsDONE
Genericbugwikienterprise (engine, agent, js, mobile)Replay issues from
General Electricbuganyenterprise (engine, agent, js, mobile)Replay missing - the 1min8sec session is missingDONE
American Airlinesbuganyenterprise (engine, agent, js, mobile)Replay not availableDONE
American Airlinesbuganyenterprise (engine, agent, js, mobile)Replay not clean for https://...advocate....American Airlines.....comDONE
Genericbuganyenterprise (engine, agent, js, mobile)Replay -not seeing the user click on the "payment" tab DONE
General Electricbuganyenterprise (engine, agent, js, mobile)Replay question: what PAGE RENDERING include?DONE
Genericbuganyenterprise (engine, agent, js, mobile)Replay -Scroll events getting ignored intermittentlyDONE
Genericbuganyenterprise (engine, agent, js, mobile)Replays cannot be resumed after being stopped/paused for a few minutesDONE
eBaybug anyenterprise (engine, agent, js, mobile)requests to api.aspx not collected DONE
Genericbugnodejsenterprise (engine, agent, js, mobile)

Sending invalid JSON

Genericbugnodejsenterprise (engine, agent, js, mobile)

startup monitoring bugs bug

Genericbuganyenterprise (engine, agent, js, mobile)ThreadMetric not aggregated correctlyDONE
Genericbugnodejsenterprise (engine, agent, js, mobile)

Time dimension and timestamps init once bug

American Airlinesbugtomcatenterprise (engine, agent, js, mobile)tomcat services issues deploying 8.5.14DONE
eBaybug anydashboarduser change txn all 0 durationDONE
Genericbuganyenterprise (engine, agent, js, mobile)wrong alert context selection after quiet time period - GS-148DONE
Volvobuganyenterprise (engine, agent, js, mobile)wrong timing for static content DONE
JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.