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LDAP User Management


How to manage LDAP Users in Germain UX.


  1. Navigate to System > Auth Settings > Authentication.

  2. Click "Add New Configuration."

  3. Select the LDAP Provider option and click "Next."

  4. Provide the following values:

    • Provider Name (a label for this authentication provider).

    • LDAP Server URL (the LDAP server's URL).

    • Manager DN (the full domain name of an Admin LDAP user, used for authenticating other users).

    • Manager Password (the password for the user provided by 'Manager DN').

    • User Search Base (the LDAP directory for searching users during authentication).

    • Group Search Base (the LDAP directory for searching groups during authentication).

    • User Search Filter (a filter string to match the username being authenticated against LDAP users).

      • Example: cn={0} matches the username against the 'cn' property in the 'User Search Base' directory.

    • Group Search Filter (a filter string to match the authenticated username to an LDAP group).

      • Example: 'member={0}' considers a user a group member if the 'member' property in the group matches the user's full domain name.

    • Group Role Attribute (the property of a group used to map to a Germain Role, usually 'cn').

  5. Click "Finish."

Creating a User

Create and manage users and their groups within your LDAP service.


Log in using the username and password fields on the Germain login page.

Service: Authentication

Feature Availability: 8.6.0 or later

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