Maintenance - Other Bugs & Enhancements (06/30/20)
List of Enhancements and Bugs that have been addressed this month. More details available upon request.
Release | Client | Enh/bug | Technology | Function | Germain layer | Description | Status |
6/30/2020 | AMERICAN AIRLINES | Enhancement | XML | Application Monitoring | Engine |
| Done |
6/30/2020 | AMERICAN AIRLINES | Enhancement | Websphere | Application Monitoring | Agent |
| Done |
6/30/2020 | AMERICAN AIRLINES | Enhancement | Siebel |
| Dashboard | Customize how we collect user name for Siebel component ancement | Done |
6/30/2020 | AMERICAN AIRLINES | Bug |
| Dashboard |
| Done |
6/30/2020 | ANZ BANK | Enhancement |
| User Session Replay | Enterprise |
| Done |
6/30/2020 | ANZ BANK | Enhancement |
| Maintenance Period | Enterprise |
| Done |
6/30/2020 | ANZ BANK | Question | Oracle SSL |
| Enterprise |
| Done |
6/30/2020 | EBAY | Bug |
| Dashboard | gauge portlet 'no data found' issue | Done |
6/30/2020 | EBAY | Bug | Java |
| Dashboard | exception adding Java DB Transaction Trend bread | Done |
6/30/2020 | GENERAL ELECTRIC | Bug |
| Dashboard |
| Done |
6/30/2020 | GENERAL ELECTRIC | Bug |
| Dashboard | white line over summary content when mouse over | Done |
6/30/2020 | GENERAL ELECTRIC | Bug |
| Search | Dashboard | search - search does not work after drilldown, back, and renter the keywords high-priority | Done |
6/30/2020 | SPB | Bug |
| User Session Replay | Dashboard |
| Done |
6/30/2020 | SPB | Bug |
| User Session Replay | Enterprise, JS |
| Done |
6/30/2020 | SPB | Bug |
| GeoLocation | Cloud |
| Done |
6/30/2020 | SPB | Enhancement |
| User Session Replay | Enterprise, JS |
| Done |
6/30/2020 | UBISOFT | Enhancement | Http | Website Monitoring | Enterprise |
| Done |
6/30/2020 | UBISOFT | Enhancement |
| Dashboard | hang to be detected high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 | UBISOFT | Enhancement |
| Search | Dashboard |
| Done |
6/30/2020 | UBISOFT | Enhancement |
| User Session Replay | Dashboard |
| Done |
6/30/2020 | UBISOFT | Enhancement |
| User Session Replay | Dashboard |
| Done |
6/30/2020 | UBISOFT | Bug |
| User Session Replay | Enterprise |
| Done |
6/30/2020 | Largest US-Based Healthcare | Bug |
| Dashboard | ui revamp - portlet width (1,2,3 or 4 columns) high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 | Largest US-Based Healthcare | Enhancement |
| Dashboard |
| Done |
6/30/2020 | VOLVO | Bug |
| User Session Replay | Enterprise |
| Done |
6/30/2020 | TRUE | Bug |
| Aggregation | Enterprise |
| Done |
6/30/2020 | TRUE | Enhancement |
| User Session Replay | Enterprise |
| Done |
6/30/2020 | TRUE | Bug |
| User Session Replay | Enterprise |
| Done |
6/30/2020 | TRUE | Enhancement |
| Dashboard |
| Done |
6/30/2020 | TRUE | Bug |
| Cloud | env is down high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Alert | Enterprise | Ability to mute alerts for specific resources (a server, a database, an environment, etc.) high-priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Alert | Enterprise | Action Services: Incorrect Subject Line Email Alert high-priority question | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Alert | Enterprise | alert - email should not be sent if there is no issue high-priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Alert | Enterprise |
| Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Alert | Enterprise | Change alert quiet time logic high-priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Alert | Enterprise | Change order of alert titles duplicate low-severity | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement | Siebel | Application Monitoring | Enterprise | Update IP17+ UX Document | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Alert | Enterprise |
| Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Alert | Enterprise |
| Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Alert | Enterprise | automation - include external database content/cells in email alert high-priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement | Java | Application Monitoring | Enterprise | : Ability to set Application Component for Java Agent via need testing | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Maintenance Period | Enterprise | maintenance window - no data should be collected during that timeframe | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| KPI | Enterprise | Metada fails for Browser Page Render KPI | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Alert | Enterprise | Send system alert email whenever Germain stops or generates an exception ancement | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement | Siebel | Application Monitoring | Enterprise | Update "siebel-list-comps.drl" to handle components being listed with no run state configuration ancement | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement | Html | User Session Replay | Entreprise, JS | user replay html 5 website | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Copy | Dashboard | "copy" to clipboard on mouse over a string high priority waiting for testing | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Dashboard | "default" user name high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| TimeZone | Dashboard | "Timezone" not on User Profile Config ancement | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Filter | Dashboard | #1540 integrate filtering with rca screen | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Dashboard | #1613 timerange on rca is not updated when using 'show more/less' buttons | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Filter | Dashboard | ‘Monitoring Engine’ filter in Hardware page display incorrect results high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| User Management | Dashboard | adding user wizard broken high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Alert | Dashboard | alert and script wizard to be under "automation" high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Dashboard |
| Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Filter | Dashboard |
| Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Dashboard |
| Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| User Session Replay | Enterprise |
| Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Configuration | Dashboard |
| Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Dashboard |
| Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Dashboard | Need mouseover text on monitoring view elements (text getting truncated) medium priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Configuration | Dashboard | Config - Modify all portlet properties after creation low priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Dashboard | Dashboard / Drillthrough / RCA navigation medium priority question | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| User Management | Dashboard | didnt receive pwd reset email using demo env high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Configuration | Dashboard |
| Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Analytics | Dashboard |
| Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Enterprise | gap between aggregated and raw data high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| GeoLocation | Dashboard | geo map empty on demo env high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug | Iphone |
| Dashboard | iphone8 - automation not showing up medium priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| KPI | Dashboard | KPI Category field on KPI wizard should be a simple text input high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| KPI | Cloud | kpi view ancement | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Configuration | Dashboard | generic ux profile high priority question | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Search | Dashboard | missing many criteria for the second search high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Wizard | Dashboard | move "wizard" menu as main menu medium priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Dashboard | New renderer to extract information from JDBC URL high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Dashboard | Page goes blank due to exception in React when using ClusteredTable high priority test on QA after upgrade | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Dashboard | password reset broken high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Dashboard | Remove mock mode from Workspace | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| User Session Replay | Dashboard | rename "UX Session" kpi to "User Session Replay" high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Dashboard | rename Drilldown -> Pivot high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| User Session Replay | JS | replay - anced transaction name "Predefined...." high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| User Session Replay | Enterprise | replay isnt properly aligned high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Dashboard | revamp ux - clicking on the error icon should bring up error detail and/or access to the engine log high priority test on QA after upgrade | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| User Session Replay | JS | session replay - srcset URLs | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Dashboard | summary field layout to be improved high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Dashboard | time range on presentation mode high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Dashboard | unable to create a user on demo high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement | MacOS |
| Dashboard | unsupported OS family: Macos medium priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| User Session Replay | Dashboard | user name missing on user replay rca high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Dashboard | user privacy took 44sec to come up high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| User Session Replay | Dashboard | user replay rca missing many user and desktop details high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Dashboard | username to be consistently displayed high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Wizard | Dashboard | ux - help for all input form/dialog box wizard medium priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Dashboard | Validation issue on latest version on QA/Demo high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Url | Dashboard | Wizard: We aren't allowing URL path control characters in input for URL path high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Wizard | Dashboard | wizards - required/not-required fields high priority question | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Dashboard | "save dashboard" tooltip stuck | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Configuration | Dashboard | factConstraint in RCA configuration not integrated with UI | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Filter | Dashboard | remove colorFilters config ancement | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Dashboard | integrate flow portlet with RCA | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Filter | Dashboard | Bookmarkable URLs including Data Filters | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement | WordPress | User Session Replay | Enterprise, JS | user replay for wordpress (a prospect that just signed up) | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Alert | Dashboard | UI state needs to be stored for all dashboards (issue with ALERT DASHBOARD, DRILLDOWN dashboards, etc) | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Dashboard | monitor UX of https://www.sit**** | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| KPI | Dashboard | Chart legend not working for multiple measurements for the same KPI high-priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement | Drupal | User Session Replay | Enterprise, JS | customer - user replay on drupal | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Dashboard | Dashboard hierarchy settings - clean up | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Filter | Dashboard | Don't clear data filter content when switching filter dimension | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Dashboard | Drilldown dashboard with broken layout | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Dashboard | Germain - portlet that list "user session count" PER user login name | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Filter | Dashboard | config: need to able to change any filter from here ancement | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Dashboard | browser error analysis | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Dashboard | Header/Portlet Overlap | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Dashboard | IE Support - SlickGrid - long values should play nice with "info" icon | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| JS | Jscrambler - version 6.0 that we use has been depracted | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Dashboard | Make "Data Not Found" Error Badge Yellow? question | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Dashboard | Outdated UX Scripts in Public repo question | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Alert | Dashboard | Provide Issue/Alert Resolution Management | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| User Session Replay | Dashboard | replay - user clicks not listed in chronological order | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| User Session Replay | Enterprise, JS | session replay - duplicated DOM elements / values | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Dashboard | Sparse data not connected when display type line or spline | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Dashboard | Support 24-hour format | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Dashboard | Tooltip is off screen. Not readable | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Dashboard | UI - rename count (number of dp) and style | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Dashboard | UI: show unit on RCA/Dashboard screens/portlets | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| JS | UX - DOM Change - Invalid JSON | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Dashboard | UX - fetch monitoring doesnt collect http method | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Dashboard | UX Loader not part of build output question | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Dashboard | UX Monitoring fails for latest Germain workspace | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Dashboard | workspace not resized on browser resized | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Cloud | (to be done once we upgrade ) - need to know how many times each prospect logs on to high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Cloud | @germainux users on ? high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Cloud | [HTTP Status 500 – Internal Server Error] when logging on using gr***** high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Configuration | Cloud | 20min a prospect completed his config and still no data on monitoring env.. high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Cloud | add " ...required..." sentence in Industry to let users know this 3rd step is also required medium priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Cloud | capacity 103% high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Cloud | capacity metrics shouldnt exceed 100% high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Cloud | instance to be reactivated Tanner Cottle high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Cloud | instance to be restored zia***** high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Cloud | pabqfum env is not working ... 500 server error in bootstrap high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Cloud | services no longer switching environments to DISABLED before RETIRED high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Cloud | ux issue - unable to signup again an email i signed up with 3month ago.. high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Cloud | dark mode option low priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Cloud | exception for new signup high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Cloud | injection error 406 for [Md Abdul Wadud] high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Cloud | many folks have not received email confirmation after signing up high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Cloud | pricing page overlaps high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Cloud | prospect didnt get email notification when signing up using his email high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Cloud | remove "down arrow" button medium priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Wizard | Cloud | see wizard when i click on any dashboard on ALL page high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Cloud | unable to log on to this user account that signed up today high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Cloud | unable to signup | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Cloud | urgent - decrease instance expiration back to 24h (from 72h) high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Cloud | user account info to be announced as mandatory | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Cloud | user stuck setting up industry during signup high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Cloud | user unable to save password/unable to logon high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Enterprise | product germain-apm-dashboard #1276: Added Quiet Time context and detection t… | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Filter | Agent | [Observation] All filters related to ‘Agent’ criteria display no results high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Question |
| KPI | Dashboard | Can ‘Left’ and ‘Right’ KPIs be same for Stream Correlation Scenario? question | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Question |
| KPI | Dashboard | Can same KPI be both Parent and Child ? question | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Question |
| Dashboard | Field for ‘Name’ should not be available in ‘Add Click’ window? question | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Question |
| Alert | Enterprise | How to configure an Alert to send Alerts to distribution list question | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Question | Http |
| Dashboard | How to disable a ‘Target’ of HTTP Action | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Question |
| Dashboard | Is ‘Custom Click Rule’ checkbox in ‘Add Click’ window different from ‘Use Custom Rule?’ Check box in Click edit window ? question | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Question |
| Alert | Dashboard | Should 2 emails (in-detail and high-level) be sent to the distribution list when an alert is triggered question | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Question |
| SLA | Dashboard | Should all the Statistical SLA types be displayed while adding an SLA type and vice-versa ? high priority question | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Question |
| Dashboard | Should enabling/disabling Monitored Server reflects in all other Germain Nodes which uses this server? high priority wontfix | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Question |
| Dashboard | Should few of the fields be blank in the received notification question | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Question |
| Dashboard | Should few of the fields mentioned in the description not be available while adding new Click ? question | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Question |
| Filter | Dashboard | Should the filters associated to ‘Cost Function’ and ‘Pair Function’ not be available? question | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Question |
| Dashboard | Should the input provided in Browser and UX ‘Application Name’ field be same for ‘Group’ and ‘Identifiers’ fields question | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Question |
| SLA | Dashboard | Should the user be able to add multiple Statistical SLAs with same name? high priority question wontfix | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Question |
| KPI | Dashboard | Should the user be able to add multiple types to KPI? question | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Question |
| Alert | Dashboard | Where to find the queued Alerts question | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug | Http |
| Dashboard | ‘Bulk Edit Icon’ is not displayed for HTTP scenarios high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| SLA | Dashboard | ‘Pivot’ and ‘Rank’ fields are displayed only in edit window of aggregate SLA high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Filter | Dashboard | ‘Raw SLA’ is displayed as ‘FactBased’ in ‘Type’ filter dropdown options high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| SLA | Dashboard | ‘Repeat’ button is not displayed for ‘SLAs and Actions’ and ‘Portlets’ while adding new Click high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| KPI | Dashboard | ‘Software Sources’ created in ‘Add KPI’ window is not displayed after saving the KPI high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug | Http | SLA | Dashboard | ‘Triggered by SLAs’ for HTTP Actions are not deleted after deleting respective HTTP Scenario high priority wontfix | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Dashboard | Able to add ‘Custom Rule Name’ with invalid content high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| KPI | Dashboard | Able to create KPI with invalid cron job for Statistical SLA high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Dashboard | Added category in Software page is not displayed in the category dropdown high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug | Http | Alert | Dashboard | Adding HTTP Actions and HTTP scenarios affects Alerts and Click scenarios pages high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Alert | Enterprise | Alert email is not triggered for the new SLA with existing KPI high priority wontfix | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Configuration | Dashboard | Any action applied to configuration take ~22-30secs to reflect in Browser Configuration and UX page high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Configuration | Dashboard | Available monitoring nodes are not displayed while adding new Network configuration high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Dashboard | Bulk edit Target Headers action removes existing target headers high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Dashboard | Click Timeout continue to display as 30 even when its removed while adding a Click high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Dashboard | Colors ‘Yellow’ and ‘Black’ are as part of Threshold dropdown values high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| SLA | Dashboard | Columns data for ‘SLAs Count’ and ‘Statistical SLAs Count’ is not centre aligned | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Dashboard | Component details window is not displayed properly on accessing it after deleting existing component of a network which is associated with multiple components high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Filter | Dashboard | Condition criteria ‘=’ is not displayed for KPIs filter in Business Processes page high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Filter | Dashboard | Criteria is displayed as ‘SLA Filter’ in edit window of ‘SLAs’ high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Dashboard | Data in ‘Usernames to Monitor’ column is not centre aligned high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Alert | Dashboard | Data of few columns in Alerts page is not centre aligned | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Dashboard | Driver path added in ‘Add Click’ window is not displayed in Click edit window high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| KPI | Dashboard | Dropdown is not displayed for KPI Category in ‘Add KPI’ window high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| KPI | Dashboard | Dropdown option for ‘Key Expressions’ are not displayed for the KPI added via ‘+’ in ‘Add Business Process’ window high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug | Http |
| Dashboard | Dropdown options for ‘Target Content Type’ are not displayed in Add and Edit HTTP Action window high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| KPI | Dashboard | Dropdown values for ‘Resource Identifier’ and ‘KPI Measures’ are not displayed high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| KPI | Dashboard | Empty action is created on adding action to Statistical SLA in KPI high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Correlation Config | Dashboard | Error ‘Failed to Apply Wizard’ is displayed on adding a ‘Stream Correlation Scenario’ high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Dashboard | Error for invalid Application name is displayed in edit window but not while adding high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Dashboard | Error is displayed on trying to reapply profile for few Monitored Servers high priority invalid | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Dashboard | Error message is not displayed on entering invalid URL in add click window high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Configuration | Dashboard | Errors for ‘Monitoring Script’ is displayed only in bulk edit window but not in respective config window | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| KPI | Dashboard | Few fields available in the edit window of KPI are not displayed while adding KPI help wanted | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| KPI | Dashboard | Fields ‘Type’ and ‘KPI Category’ are displayed as ‘Fact Class’ and ‘Fact Category’ in KPI edit window | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Filter | Dashboard | Filter ‘Target Name’ and ‘Target Path’ display same results high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Filter | Dashboard | Filter ‘Threshold Value’ displays wrong results when the filter is applied for ‘34’ value high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Filter | Dashboard | Filter option ‘Profile Names’ is displayed as ‘Identifiers’ in edit config window duplicate high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Filter | Dashboard | Filtering issues for ‘Router Map’ criteria help wanted high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug | Http | Filter | Dashboard | Filters related to ‘Created’ and ‘Updated’ criteria are not displayed in HTTP page high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Filter | Dashboard | Hovering message for filters criteria value of ‘Init Script’ and ‘Monitoring Script’ are displayed twice high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Dashboard | Hovering Message of ‘Dashboard Visibility’ icon is invalid high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Configuration | Dashboard | How to add new ‘Browser and UX’ config high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Filter | Dashboard | Invalid results are displayed on applying ‘State Store…’ filter criteria high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| SLA | Dashboard | Invalid tool tip messages are displayed for ‘SLA Actions’ field in add Click window high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Dashboard | Invalid XPath is not validated in add Click window high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Filter | Dashboard | Issues in Filters behaviour in Network page high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Alert | Dashboard | Issues with Enabling/Disabling ‘Quiet Time’ of an Alert high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Dashboard | Long text entered in input field expand does not occupy the window width high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Configuration | Dashboard | Newly added ‘Monitoring Node’ and ‘Engine’ are not displayed in dropdown after deleting the associated configuration high priority wontfix | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Dashboard | Page menu shift to the left of the page when error message of no access to dashboard is displayed high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Dashboard | Previous added portlet details are not saved on navigating from one portlet to another in add Click window high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Filter | Dashboard | Quick access filters in Network page do not filter results high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug | Http |
| Dashboard | Row count for ‘HTTP Action’ section is not displayed in HTTP page high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Dashboard | Rule path value is not retained after selecting value in Custom Rule Name field high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Dashboard | Settings value for ‘Mask’ in Types is not displayed medium priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Alert | Dashboard | SLA Cloned from Alert edit window is displayed in Alerts page high priority wontfix | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| KPI | Dashboard | Unable to add already available KPI category which is less than 5 characters high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Dashboard | Unable to Enable/Disable ‘Correlation Scenarios’ directly from Correlation page high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Dashboard | Unable to Enable/Disable Engine in edit window of Germain Node high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| KPI | Dashboard | Unable to perform sorting for ‘KPIs’ and ‘BP Steps’ columns in Business Processes page medium priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Dashboard | Unable to remove ‘Extra Click’ added using ‘Repeat’ feature while adding new Click high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug | Http |
| Dashboard | Unable to sort Scenario Target column in HTTP Action section | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Filter | Dashboard | Unable to validate ‘Init Script’ and ‘SCRIPT Time Monitoring’ filter duplicate high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Enhancement |
| Filter | Dashboard | Unable to validate few filters in KPI page help wanted high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Configuration | Dashboard | User is able to enter negative values in ‘Priority’ field of Browser Config low priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Alert | Dashboard | User is able to remove the execution count from an Alert high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Filter | Dashboard | User readable timestamp is not displayed when ‘Updated’ criteria filter is used high priority | Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Dashboard |
| Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| JS |
| Done |
6/30/2020 |
| Bug |
| Dashboard |
| Done |