User Role Lookup
In order to comprehensively grasp which segments of an organization are affected by an issue, Germain has the capacity to automatically identify the role of a user who encountered a UX problem. Although this feature has been available since 2014, the 2023.3 Release presents refinements for increased flexibility. Recognizing the user's role varies across applications such as Salesforce, Siebel, Shopify, etc., and can sometimes be complex.
To elaborate, we have introduced support for Key Expressions with multiple values. The Key Expression leverages the existing key
property, now allowing you to specify multiple fields, such as user,system.environment
. This generates a key in the format of: <username>|<environment>
Example (for Oracle Siebel CRM)
In this case for Oracle Siebel CRM:
select u.LOGIN, p.POSTN_TYPE_CD "Primary Role"
from siebel.s_contact e, siebel.S_USER u, siebel.S_POSTN p
where 1=1
and e.pr_held_postn_id = p.par_row_id
and e.par_row_id = u.par_row_i