Concepts & Terminologies
Germain is a highly customizable platform that offers real-time alerting, monitoring, insights, and automation capabilities. To better understand the platform, let's explore some key entities and concepts within Germain:
Analyticsand AutomationUnit)
AA Unit (Represents the measure of a metric or the execution of a transaction performed in near real-time by the Germain UX. AA Units are categorized based on types, such as events, availability, metrics, latency, and transactions. They are consumed based on usage. More details about AA Unit.
A framework that offers a series of RPA Bots capabilities for proactive issue detection or resolution. For more details on how and why transactions are executed, please refer to the automations.
Business Process/Workflow
A business process is a set of structured, interconnected activities or tasks designed to achieve a specific business goal. These activities are typically carried out by people, technology, or a combination of both. Germain monitors performance of both. More details about Business Processes Monitoring.
Describes the connections between entities monitored by Germain. For example, a datasource can have multiple associated KPIs, a KPI can be displayed in multiple portlets, and a dashboard can contain multiple portlets. More details about Correlation.
A dashboard is a component of the Germain user interface or workspace used for data science across various use cases, including IT and business, as well as for configuring Germain features. It is composed of one or multiple portlets and can be customized to display pertinent information. Dashboards are accessible to specific users or teams. More details about dashboards.
Represents a Technology (e.g., file, browser, server, application, database, network switch) from which data is collected. Germain can gather data from various sources to provide comprehensive monitoring capabilities. More details about DataSources.
A Key Performance Indicator(KPI) is a quantifiable or qualifiable measure used to evaluate the success or performance of a process, function, user, application, etc. KPIs help assess and track performance objectives within Germain. More details about KPIs.
Represents a section of a Germain dashboard that is driven by one or many KPIs. Portlets allow users to visualize specific information or metrics in a customizable manner. More details about Portlets.
A document generated by Germain in formats such as PDF, CSV, or HTML. Reports can be automatically generated or manually produced based on the configured parameters. More details about Reports.
A Rule is a script that customizes Germain’s way to perform analytics, automate insights or execute transaction e.g. RPA Bots that automatically restarts a Windows service or updates data. More details about Rules.
Session Replay
Germain UX records in real-time what a user of an application or visitor to a website 'sees' and 'does,' as if Germain were watching the user's or visitor's browser, mouse movements, and clicks. Germain automatically extracts valuable insights from these recorded videos and makes the recorded sessions available for you to replay at your convenience.
A Service-Level Agreement(SLA) defines the expected level of service to be provided by an organization. SLAs can be configured in Germain to set performance thresholds and monitor compliance More details about SLA.
A Template is used by the Alert and Report mechanisms to define how information is displayed. More details about Templates.
Germain Workspace is the User Interface used to customize or maintain Germain UX, and it's also the interface you can leverage for various data science tasks.