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Deploy Monitoring for Microsoft Dynamic 365


2 main options to monitor Microsoft Dynamics 365 Application: Germain’s RUM JS or RUM Browser Extension.

Deploy Germain RUM JS

  • Download Germain RUM JS

  • Log on to Germain Workspace > left menu > Wizards >Standard HTML


Standard HTML Wizard - Germain UX

  • Deploy Germain UX - RUM JS for Microsoft Dynamic 365.

  • Inject germain RUM JS scripts into MSFT Dynamics 365

    • Log in to MS Dynamics 365 Application with Admin Privileges.

    • Click on Gear Icon and select Advanced Settings.


      Advanced Settings of MSFT Dynamics 365 - Germain UX

    • Expand the Settings section and Click on Customizations


      Customizations of MSFT Dynamics 365 - Germain UX

    • Go to Solutions and Select the Solution you need to monitor.

    • You can place the Downloaded JS Script as a web resource.


      Web Resource of MSFT Dynamics 365 - Germain UX

    • Then refer to the JS Script as a resource on all the HTML Pages which need to be monitored. ( Reference: )

<script type="text/jscript" src="../scripts/Germain.js"></script>  

Note: This JS script needs to be referenced from the head of the application’s each page.

As a workaround, if you do not have access to top-level documents and only can access JS / HTML inside an iframe, you can call our JS Script using eval()function in JS. The eval() function evaluates JavaScript code represented as a string.

    if ( !window.germainAPMInitialized ) {

        function germainApmLoader(servicesUrl, initialProfileName, applicationName, serverHostname) {
            /* germain services root URL:             */ "", // e.g. "http://localhost:8080"
            /* Initial monitoring-profile name:       */ "Generic", // e.g. "MSDynamics365"
            /* Web-application name:                  */ "Test", // e.g. "SalesCRM"
            /* Hard-coded server hostname (optional): */ "" // e.g. ""

Deploy Germain RUM Ext (Browser Extension)

Germain browser extension (Firefox, Edge, or Chrome) is now available for download and use. Some managed Microsoft Dynamics applications do not allow Javascript injection, as an alternative, you can use Germain Browser Extension to monitor the User Experience of these managed applications.

Once configured, refresh the page. Your application is now ready to be monitored.

For more detailed information, please reaching out to us: . We will provide you with further guidance and assistance tailored to your needs.

Feature Availability: 2022.1 or later


JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.