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Network Requests Monitoring


Germain UX RUM JS monitors availablity and performance of all HTTP requests executed by monitored web application.


KPIs for User Monitoring and Replay | Network-Requests-Monitoring-KPIs


Network Monitoring Dashboard

Network Monitoring Dashboard

Drill-through on Outbound CSS Requests

Drill-through on Outbound CSS Requests

RCA for Outbound CSS Request

RCA for Outbound CSS Request



By default, Network Monitoring is enabled for each User Monitoring Profile. You can re-enable it by following these steps if it has been disabled beforehand:

  1. Go to Germain Workspace > Left Menu > Analytics > UX Monitoring Profiles

  2. Select a profile

  3. Check Network Requests Monitoring and click :save: to save your change

Network Requests Monitoring Enabled

Network Requests Monitoring Enabled


You can disable Network Monitoring by following these steps:

  1. Go to Germain Workspace > Left Menu > Analytics > UX Monitoring Profiles

  2. Select a profile

  3. Uncheck Network Requests Monitoring and click :save: to save your change

Network Requests Monitoring Disabled

Network Requests Monitoring Disabled

Beacon, Fetch and XMLHttpRequest

By default, Network Monitoring collects all the HTTP Requests triggered by XMLHttpRequest and Fetch APIs but doesn’t collect these triggered by Beacon API. You can tweak this setting via, and in the Init Script.

The following code sample shows how to disable Network Monitoring for Fetch and XMLHttpRequest APIs and enable it for Beacon API.

const settings = germainApm.getDefaultSettings();
... = false; = false; = true;

Payload and Response

By default, Network Monitoring collects entire outbound HTTP requests' payloads and responses. You can tweak this setting via and in the Init Script.

The following code sample shows how to disable request and response body monitoring for all the requests:

const settings = germainApm.getDefaultSettings();
... = false; = false;

Requests Exclusion

By default, Network Monitoring collects all the outbound HTTP requests however it is possible to exclude some based on their URLs (e.g. periodical heartbeat requests). To configure this exclusion via settings in the Init Script.

The following code sample shows how to disable network monitoring for requests:

  • with URL that contains heartbeat

  • with URL equals to https://localhost/ping

const settings = germainApm.getDefaultSettings();

Advanced Configuration

All the settings available on the object are listed below. Please contact us If you need any help with this advanced configuration.

/** Exclude http requests from monitoring. Default: undefined.  */
excludedUrls: (RegExp | string)[];
/** Heuristics to consider http requests as cached as this information is not provided by any API. Any request faster then provided threshold (in millis) will be marked as cached. Default: 30*/
cacheThresholdMillis: Millis;
/** Check for {@link} also inside request's body in addition to its query string if true. Default: false.  */
checkExcludedUrlsInRequestDetails?: boolean;
/** Maximum response body size to collect (in bytes). We will truncate content to this size if bigger. Default: 5000 * 1024. */
maxResponseBodySize: Bytes;
/** Enable Fetch API monitoring if true. Default: true. */
monitorFetch?: boolean;
/** Enable XMLHttpRequest monitoring if true. Default: true. */
monitorXHR?: boolean;
/** Enable sendBeacon monitoring if true. Default: false. */
monitorSendBeacon?: boolean;
/** Enable WebSocket monitoring if true. Default: true. */
monitorWebSocket?: boolean;
/** Enable server side monitoring via Server-Timing header. Default: enabled: true, types: undefined (meaning all), typesHierarchy: undefined (no hierarchy). */
serverSideTimingsMonitoring: {
    /** Enable Server Timings monitoring if true. Default: true. */
    enabled: boolean;
    /** A list of allowed names that can be collected from Server Timing, if undefined, all are collected. Default: undefined. */
    allowedTypes?: string[];
    /** Hierarchy of types. Default: undefined. */
    typesHierarchy?: Record<string, string[]>;
    /** Custom extractor to extract Server Timings. Default: undefined. */
    extractor?: (entry: PerformanceResourceTiming, event?: NetworkMonitoringEvent) => ServerTiming[];
/** Enable Duplicated requested monitoring if true. Default: true. */
monitorDuplicates?: {
    /** How many duplicates must occur in a row to trigger an event: Default: 20. */
    treshold: number;
    /** Time threshold (in ms) between two requests to consider them as consecutive and include them into the duplicate monitoring. Default: 300.*/
    timeThresholdMillis: Millis;
    /** Custom comparator function to decide if next request is equal/duplicate with previous one. Default: Comparator on the HTTP request method and URL (protocol, path and query string). */
    equals?: (currentEvent: NetworkMonitoringEvent, Event: NetworkMonitoringEvent) => boolean;
/** Collect request body on HTTP request data points if true. Default: true. */
trackRequestDetails?: boolean;
/** Collect response body on HTTP request data points if true. Default: true. */
trackResponseDetails?: boolean;
/** Add Germain APM tracking header (key: 'germain-apm-sequence', value: backend sequence) into original request. Used for frontend to backend correlation. Default: false. */
trackingEnabled?: boolean;
/** List of URLs for which we should add Germain APM tracking header if {@link} is enabled. Default: undefined. */
trackingUrls: (RegExp | string)[];
/** Post process {@link NetworkMonitoringEvent} event before sending it to data generators. Occurs before {@link} and {@link}. Default: undefined */
eventProcessor?: (event: NetworkMonitoringEvent) => void;
/** Post process console data point (factClass: 'HTTP:CSS' | 'HTTP:Image' | 'HTTP:Request' | 'HTTP:Script' | 'HTTP:Resource' | 'HTTP:Document'). Default: undefined */
factProcessor?: (fact: Fact, event: NetworkMonitoringEvent, settings: MonitoringSettings, fireEvent: (event: MonitoringEvent) => void, submit: (data: TabLevelData) => void) => void;
/** Custom request and response body processor before body truncation via {@link} and {@link} kick in. Default: undefined */
requestAndResponseBodyProcessor?: (fact: Extract<Fact, { myClassName: AllRequestClassNames }>, settings: MonitoringSettings, event?: NetworkMonitoringEvent) => void;        

Component: RUM JS

Feature Availability: 2022.1 or later

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Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

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