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Errors that affect Business


Ignore the noise and focus on the issues that are critical to your Business (Users or Processes).

Germain has the ability to help you understand the impact, at scale, of any errors on the end-user or business operations. It helps separate critical errors from benign ones and also identifies the new ones.

Video overview:

Browser Errors

GermainUX detects any browser errors and helps prioritize them.

  • Dynamic broken links
    That is when a user(s) clicks 1) on a page and that fails or 2)lands on a page by clicking on an external link and that fails (e.g. user sees “ not found). These are failures that are detected by a Germain UX feature separate than the one used to find Static broken links. More details below and in the configuration section.

  • Static broken links
    These are broken links that are proactively found by GermainUX (via its Crawler) and would affect user(s). Germain UX’s crawler crawls your website at a set interval and looks for pages, links, button that do not come up properly and sends out a report at whichever frequency you want.

Technology Errors

Errors produced by any kind of software technology can be detected by GermainUX, but the way it is detects varies depending on the Technology.

Two good places to start are:

Analysis of User Errors

  • At Scale

Errors, Broken Links (…) that affect user(s) can be visualized at scale to help identify which ones affect the users the most.


Example of User Errors at Scale - Germain UX

  • On User Session Replay

Then you can drilldown and replay that error or broken links, via the User Session Replay dashboard.

User Errors on Replay of User Session Dashboard

Beginning with version 2023.4, managing error exclusion or inclusion on a portlet has become easier. Watch this video for an overview of this enhancement:

Feature Availability: 2022.1 or later

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.