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Data Sources


Germain considers any software or hardware entity from which it collects data or into which it executes transactions as a Data Source. In other words, a Data Source is a concrete piece of IT infrastructure that can be accessed by Germain UX for automation purposes.

Video Overview:

Most common Data Source Types

  • Physical host (modelled as a Host Data Source)

  • Virtual machine (modelled as a Host Data Source, with a descriptive type, i.e., "VM")

  • Docker container (modelled as a Host Data Source, with a descriptive type, i.e. "Docker Container")

  • Mobile phone (modelled as a Host Data Source, with a descriptive type, i.e., "Android" or "iPhone")

  • Directory (FilePath Data Source)

  • File (FilePath Data Source)

  • REST endpoint (URI Data Source)

  • SMTP Service (URI Data Source)

  • Database (Database Data Source)

  • Remote Java service exposing metrics via JMX (URI Data Source)

    Datasource management screen - Germain UX

What aren't Data Sources?


Entries that are listed under "Application" on the Germain Workspace are NOT data sources. They do not represent concrete instances, but rather groups of programs, services, and servers that all make up an application / software. Individual data sources will link back to these Software entries (i.e., a log directory DS might be part of the SFDC Software entry, a web service DS is part of the Siebel Software entry). Germain does not monitored "Application" directly, just the associated services and endpoints.

Application management screen - Germain UX


Credentials are NOT data sources. They are a means of connecting to a data source, but we do not collect data from credentials.

Credential management screen - Germain UX


Executables are NOT data sources. They are a means of connection to a data source, see above.

Tag a Data Source

Users can tag data sources to group them (ex: prod, stage, dev). The tagging mechanism functions similarly to labels on Github (tags can be created on-the-fly, you can filter by tag, etc).


Host {
    existing props from "MonitoredServer",
    app: string,
    tags: string[],
    enabled: boolean

Database {
    existing props from "MonitoredDatabase"
    host: link to parent Host DS,
    app: string,
    tags: string[],
    enabled: boolean

FilePath {
    path: string,
    host: link to parent Host DS,
    app: string,
    tags: string[],
    enabled: boolean

    host: link to parent Host DS,
    app: string,
    tags: string[],
    enabled: boolean


The data source config in Germain system holds all information necessary to connect to the data source.

Data Sources can be configured via the Data Source menu or via the Wizard dashboard.

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