click: To perform a click action on element(s) selected by the specified xpath
Parameters: *action, *path, *description, *exit on failure, *default

fill: Clears the input in the element specified by the xpath and fills it with passed string
Parameters: *action, *path, *description, *exit on failure, *timeout, *input_data

contains: Performs a text search on the HTML document using the specified string
Parameters: *action, *search_text, *description, *exit on failure, *timeout

get_page: This gets the scenario URL and is expected to be the first step
Parameters: *action, *blank, *description, *exit on failure, *timeout

get_page_with_auth: This gets the scenario URL and passes the login credentials specified. This is expected to be the first step
Parameters: *action, *blank, *description, *exit on failure, *timeout, *username, *password

accept_alert: This waits for and accepts a confirmation prompt
Parameters: *action, *blank, *description, *blank, *timeout

dismiss_alert: This waits for and rejects a confirmation prompt
Parameters: *action, *blank, *description, *blank, *timeout

["get_page", "","Get page...", true, 0],
["get_page_with_auth", "","Login in via popup alert...", true, 0, credentials.username, credentials.password.value],
["click", "//*[@id=\"onetrust-accept-btn-handler\"]","Accept Cookies...", true, 30],
["click", "(//button[contains(text(), 'SIGN IN')])[last()]","Navigate to login page...", true, 30],
["fill", "//*[@id=\"email\"]","Filling username...", true, 30, credentials.username],
["fill", "//*[@id=\"email\"]","Filling username...", true, 30, credentials.password],
["contains", "Leaderboard","Confirming login...", true, 30],
["accept_alert", "OK","Clicking alert prompt...", true, 30],
["dis_alert", "OK","Clicking alert prompt...", true, 30]

Action: The predefined keyword of the action to be taken

Path: The xpath of the element(s) relating to the action

Description: The description that will be written to the logs for review/debugging/troubleshooting

Exit on failure: If the defined action fails (i.e. returns false) and this value is set to true, the script scenario will exit immediately and write failure to DB otherwise if set to false, the scenario will gracefully fail forward and ignore the failure.

Timeout: The maximum time the action will run for before being gracefully terminated and logged to the DB as failed