OffsetDateTime startTime =; String v_server_protocol = "https://"; String v_server_path = "/fantasy-classic/team"; String v_fact_category = "FIFA:Synthetic Actions"; String v_fact_name = "Login Action"; List<String> v_action_xpaths = [ ["get_page", "","Get page...", true, 0], ["click", "//*[@id=\"onetrust-accept-btn-handler\"]","Accept Cookies...", true, 30], ["click", "//*[@id=\"root\"]/div/div/div/button","Close welcome message...", true, 30], ["click", "//*[@id=\"root\"]/header/div[3]/div[2]/div/button/img","Open login prompt...", true, 30], ["click", "(//button[contains(text(), 'SIGN IN')])[last()]","Navigate to login page...", true, 30], ["fill", "//*[@id=\"email\"]","Filling username...", true, 30, credentials.username], ["fill", "//*[@id=\"password\"]","Filling password...", true, 30, credentials.password.value], ["click", "//*[@id=\"loginFormSubmitBtn\"]","Click login...", true, 30], ["contains", "Leaderboard","Confirming login...", true, 30] ]; def synthetic_action (v_params) { //Instantiate webdriverwait WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, Duration.ofSeconds(v_params[4])); //Get page if (v_params[0] == "get_page") { String base = String.format("%s%s%s", v_server_protocol, server.hostname, v_server_path); driver.get(base); return true; } //Get page with authentication credentials else if (v_params[0] == "get_page_with_auth") { String base = String.format("%s%s:%s@%s%s", v_server_protocol, v_params[5], v_params[6], server.hostname, v_server_path); driver.get(base); return true; } //Accept alert else if (v_params[0] == "accept_alert") { wait.until(ExpectedConditions.alertIsPresent()); driver.switchTo().alert().accept(); return true; } //Dismiss alert else if (v_params[0] == "dismiss_alert") { wait.until(ExpectedConditions.alertIsPresent()); driver.switchTo().alert().dismiss(); return true; } //Construct xpath of contains search else if (v_params[0] == "contains") { v_params[1] = String.format("//*[contains(.,\"%s\")]", v_action_xpaths[i][1]); } List<WebElement> v_elements = []; int v_status = 0; for (int j = 0; j < v_params[4] * 2; j++) { //Grab all elements matching specified xpath v_elements = driver.findElements(By.xpath(v_params[1])); //Chect to ensure interactivity of element(s) except for text search (contains) if (v_params[0] == "contains") { v_status = v_elements.size(); } else { foreach (l : v_elements) { if (l.isEnabled() && l.isDisplayed()) { v_status = v_status + 1; } } } //Process action on found element(s) when ready if (v_elements.size() > 0 && v_elements.size() == v_status) { if (v_params[0] == "click") { foreach (k : v_elements) { driver.executeScript("arguments[0].click();", k); } } else if (v_params[0] == "fill") { driver.findElement(By.xpath(v_params[1])).clear(); driver.findElement(By.xpath(v_params[1])).sendKeys(v_params[5]); } return true; } Thread.sleep(500); } return false; } // Create transaction GenericTransaction tx = new GenericTransaction(); tx.type = v_fact_category; = v_fact_name; tx.timestamp = startTime; = credentials.username; // Perform validation checks and actions for (int i=0; i < v_action_xpaths.size(); i++) { // Print description of each step[i][2]); //Record status of latest action tx.success = synthetic_action(v_action_xpaths[i]); //Halt execution and exit if flag is set to true on failure of current action if (tx.success == false && v_action_xpaths[i][3] == true) { i = v_action_xpaths.size(); } }"{} Status: {}", v_fact_name, tx.success); // Compute time taken and log transaction to DB tx.duration = DateTimeUtils.computeDuration(startTime,; datamart.insert(tx, context);